Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 weeks...

Weight: 117 (+0)

This is what my baby and I have been up to this week...

- Since Wednesday I have been feeling a lot better. I really hope this isn't a bad sign, of course I can't help but think about it.
- My boobs are hurting more and more each day. It is getting difficult to sleep!
- Pants are getting tight. Pants that are normally lose are fine in the morning, but by the middle of the day if I am sitting, I want to unbutton them! Luckily I got this really cool "band" to solve this, but I just thought it would take a lot longer before I needed it.

- Dreams:
I forgot to mention a few weeks ago I had a dream that I could see inside my belly and see twins - two tiny see-through alien looking babies. Weird. I really hope I don't have twins!!
Tuesday night I had a dream that I had this beautiful, chunky little girl in my arms. The weird part - we named her Ada. Then I said "oh yeah, Ada Marie, that sounds great!" The weird thing about this - this is Jesse's Aunt's name. Why would I think of her?? We are not close to her. VERY strange.

Our baby:
Hands and feet are emerging, looking like paddles. Our baby has somewhat of a small tail, which will disappear in a few weeks. Our baby has doubled in size since last week and measure about half an inch (the size of a blueberry). Our baby's brain, liver, appendix, tiny intestines, and pancreas are growing.
Courtesy of

Friday, February 19, 2010

6 weeks...

Weight: 117 (+2)

At six weeks pregnant I am not really feeling any different than last week (except added nausea), some new things:

- Cramps. My cramps have almost all but gone away, at least they don't keep me up at night anymore.
- Tired. I have been sooo tired lately. It is crazy. Usually I am a baby and out way before Jesse is, but lately it has been horrible. I take a definite nap after work most days, unless I can't because I do after school tutoring, run to UNLV for three hours, and then home to eat and then bed time. Those days are rough during the week.
- Stomach. My stomach has been giving me some trouble, but no throwing up. First thing in the morning I feel super hungry, so hungry I feel nauseous. What sucks is NOTHING sounds good. So it is hard to eat anything, but I have to. Throughout the day this will come back if I am not constantly eating something. What 'sounds good' to eat seriously changes hour to hour. It's hard to plan for lunch the next day!
- Constipated. Drinking water and eating fiber is supposed to help, but this is not the most comfortable thing, especially at work!
- Dehydrated. I have been a little less dehydrated lately, but this has made it difficult to drink more water, since my body isn't constantly craving it, at least not as bad as last week. I have completely switched to water or soy milk for any liquid, which is nice for my body. BUT this has HELPED my peeing problem, fortunately I only wake up once in the night and during the day it is tolerable.

This is what our baby is up to:
At 6 weeks, our baby may be anywhere from 2 to 5mm or roughly the size of half a baby pea. Not very big, but bigger than last week! Our baby's heart should now be beating at about 100 to 140 beats per minute and blood will start circulating throughout our baby's body.
Black dots mark the eyes, nostrils, and ears that will form throughout the next few weeks.
Our baby's hands are forming, but look more like paddles then hands.

My first ultrasound is set for March 11th. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
That is when we have decided to wait to tell more people we are pregnant (Jesse's family) with a little reassurance from the doctor. I also took another pregnancy test last night, yup, still pregnant. Haha. :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

5 weeks ...

Weight: 116

So far, just in the first few days, there are some major things I have noticed that my body is doing ...

1. VERY dehydrated. Always thirsty. I drink about 4-6 liters of water each day. I used to really try to drink 1 liter daily, but usually failed. So this is a huge change.

2. Peeing a LOT. I'm not sure this is strickly due to pregnancy, or just because I am drinking a lot more water? I hate peeing in public, so this major-ly sucks. I also teach, so I can't just run to the restroom whenever I want to either. Bummer.

3. Boobs. They hurt pretty bad, very sore, hugs are painful! Although they feel heavier, I don't think they have gotten any bigger. Another bummer. ha.

4. Bloated. I feel sooo fat, like everyone can tell I am pregnant - but I have only gained one pound (which you can gain or lose each day - so does it really count?).

5. Cramping. I have had mild to severe cramping pains, similar to just-before or the first-day type of periods. Checked with my doctor, it's just fine, but still unnerving and painful!

6. Irritable. I am not sure this is a pregnant thing, maybe I am always like this, but I feel much more short with my students. I need more patience. Please oh please!

7. No balance. Squatting in public restrooms - bad choice. Even getting in and out of the shower, I feel like I am going to fall.

8. Worrying, ALL of the time. This isn't anything entirely new, but I am constantly worried that I am not doing everything I should be doing. Prenatal vitamin, check. Lots of water, check. Sleep, check. Lowering stress, definitely not. But when can I tell people? When will I know it's okay? ugh.

Although most of these things are not very pleasant, I am having fun with them. Drinking more water is going to mean a healthier me (with clear skin? yay!). Everything else just reminds me, although sometimes painfully, that HOLY COW I really am pregnant!!

What our baby is up to:
Our baby’s heart, no bigger than a poppyseed, has already begun to beat and pump blood. The heart is dividing into chambers and will find a more regular rhythm soon. Our baby is about a quarter of a centimeter long and looks more like a tadpole than a human. The baby will undergo a growth spurt this week.
Major organs, including the kidneys and liver, begin to grow. The neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, will close this week. Our baby’s upper and lower limb buds begin to sprout – these will form our baby's arms and legs. The intestines are developing and the appendix is in place.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Due: 10/10/10

How awesome is that due date? It's got to be a lucky sign - for the parents-to-be and the baby.

Oh how I hope, even though by then I won't be able to wait, that our baby is born on this date.

How exciting! Again, another way to make this all seem real.

Now hurry up October 10th, 2010. We want our baby!!! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This morning, at 4:30am, I got up because I had to pee super bad.
I thought yesterday, what the heck, my period should have started today and it didn't - so I'll test tomorrow. This is why the pregnancy test was already out on the counter.
I got up, half asleep, made it to the toilet, peed on the little stick, set it on the counter and finished up. Before I even got up I looked at the test, fully expecting it to only show one line (but definitely still hoping it would show two), and HOLY COW - it showed TWO BLUE LINES. Right away. There they were. I jumped up, don't even remember flushing the toilet or pulling up my pants, ran out screaming "I'm pregnant" to a very deep sleeping Jesse. With his eyes half way open - he asks "huh?" I just keep repeating myself and throw myself on the bed.
I'm shaking all over, I can barely stand up because of my vibrating legs. Oh my God! We did it!
I call my sister, waking her up at 4:30am. Unexpectedly she answers - I ramble on about I how I had to pee and I got up and I wanted to take the test and I wasn't sure and I really had to pee and I was thinking maybe but I wasn't sure and.... She patiently listens. Finally I say I'M PREGNANT!!!!!! I don't remember her response. Maybe a "really?" maybe a "that's awesome" I'm not sure.
I get off the phone with her, cuddle back in bed with Jesse, living on the high of the excitement, and try (and fail miserably) to go back to sleep for another hour before I have to wake up for work.
Wow. What a morning.