Thursday, February 4, 2010


This morning, at 4:30am, I got up because I had to pee super bad.
I thought yesterday, what the heck, my period should have started today and it didn't - so I'll test tomorrow. This is why the pregnancy test was already out on the counter.
I got up, half asleep, made it to the toilet, peed on the little stick, set it on the counter and finished up. Before I even got up I looked at the test, fully expecting it to only show one line (but definitely still hoping it would show two), and HOLY COW - it showed TWO BLUE LINES. Right away. There they were. I jumped up, don't even remember flushing the toilet or pulling up my pants, ran out screaming "I'm pregnant" to a very deep sleeping Jesse. With his eyes half way open - he asks "huh?" I just keep repeating myself and throw myself on the bed.
I'm shaking all over, I can barely stand up because of my vibrating legs. Oh my God! We did it!
I call my sister, waking her up at 4:30am. Unexpectedly she answers - I ramble on about I how I had to pee and I got up and I wanted to take the test and I wasn't sure and I really had to pee and I was thinking maybe but I wasn't sure and.... She patiently listens. Finally I say I'M PREGNANT!!!!!! I don't remember her response. Maybe a "really?" maybe a "that's awesome" I'm not sure.
I get off the phone with her, cuddle back in bed with Jesse, living on the high of the excitement, and try (and fail miserably) to go back to sleep for another hour before I have to wake up for work.
Wow. What a morning.

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