Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 weeks...

Weight: 117 (+0)

This is what my baby and I have been up to this week...

- Since Wednesday I have been feeling a lot better. I really hope this isn't a bad sign, of course I can't help but think about it.
- My boobs are hurting more and more each day. It is getting difficult to sleep!
- Pants are getting tight. Pants that are normally lose are fine in the morning, but by the middle of the day if I am sitting, I want to unbutton them! Luckily I got this really cool "band" to solve this, but I just thought it would take a lot longer before I needed it.

- Dreams:
I forgot to mention a few weeks ago I had a dream that I could see inside my belly and see twins - two tiny see-through alien looking babies. Weird. I really hope I don't have twins!!
Tuesday night I had a dream that I had this beautiful, chunky little girl in my arms. The weird part - we named her Ada. Then I said "oh yeah, Ada Marie, that sounds great!" The weird thing about this - this is Jesse's Aunt's name. Why would I think of her?? We are not close to her. VERY strange.

Our baby:
Hands and feet are emerging, looking like paddles. Our baby has somewhat of a small tail, which will disappear in a few weeks. Our baby has doubled in size since last week and measure about half an inch (the size of a blueberry). Our baby's brain, liver, appendix, tiny intestines, and pancreas are growing.
Courtesy of

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