Friday, February 12, 2010

5 weeks ...

Weight: 116

So far, just in the first few days, there are some major things I have noticed that my body is doing ...

1. VERY dehydrated. Always thirsty. I drink about 4-6 liters of water each day. I used to really try to drink 1 liter daily, but usually failed. So this is a huge change.

2. Peeing a LOT. I'm not sure this is strickly due to pregnancy, or just because I am drinking a lot more water? I hate peeing in public, so this major-ly sucks. I also teach, so I can't just run to the restroom whenever I want to either. Bummer.

3. Boobs. They hurt pretty bad, very sore, hugs are painful! Although they feel heavier, I don't think they have gotten any bigger. Another bummer. ha.

4. Bloated. I feel sooo fat, like everyone can tell I am pregnant - but I have only gained one pound (which you can gain or lose each day - so does it really count?).

5. Cramping. I have had mild to severe cramping pains, similar to just-before or the first-day type of periods. Checked with my doctor, it's just fine, but still unnerving and painful!

6. Irritable. I am not sure this is a pregnant thing, maybe I am always like this, but I feel much more short with my students. I need more patience. Please oh please!

7. No balance. Squatting in public restrooms - bad choice. Even getting in and out of the shower, I feel like I am going to fall.

8. Worrying, ALL of the time. This isn't anything entirely new, but I am constantly worried that I am not doing everything I should be doing. Prenatal vitamin, check. Lots of water, check. Sleep, check. Lowering stress, definitely not. But when can I tell people? When will I know it's okay? ugh.

Although most of these things are not very pleasant, I am having fun with them. Drinking more water is going to mean a healthier me (with clear skin? yay!). Everything else just reminds me, although sometimes painfully, that HOLY COW I really am pregnant!!

What our baby is up to:
Our baby’s heart, no bigger than a poppyseed, has already begun to beat and pump blood. The heart is dividing into chambers and will find a more regular rhythm soon. Our baby is about a quarter of a centimeter long and looks more like a tadpole than a human. The baby will undergo a growth spurt this week.
Major organs, including the kidneys and liver, begin to grow. The neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, will close this week. Our baby’s upper and lower limb buds begin to sprout – these will form our baby's arms and legs. The intestines are developing and the appendix is in place.

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