First visit (6/22): OBGYN - Jesse came with me this time, since I was getting blood drawn ( for my glucose test - to see if I have gestational diabetes). I had to drink this oh-so-yummy (hear the sarcasm?), very sugary, orange soda-ishy drink. I drank it about 45 minutes before my appointment, like I should have, then went there and got my blood drawn exactly one hour after drinking it. I hate getting blood drawn, but this time it hurt really bad the first time she stuck me. She didn't ask me to pump my fist or anything before she stuck me, I think that's why. Because she took out the needle and made me pump my fist like she usually does, then re-stuck me and it didn't burn and sting like the first time.
I am also going in every two weeks now, instead of every month. Wow. I can't believe I'm that far already!
Oh and I gained more weight. It's a weird thing, never seeing these kind of numbers on the scale before - even though I've never been one to watch the scale or anything. But still! I'm up 18 pounds so far. Which is exactly where I "should" be. So not bad!
**My doctor called on Monday ... which really freaked me out, because she said she would call if I did not pass the glucose test - otherwise I would find out when I came back for my next appointment... but she was calling me to tell me my blood results showed I am slightly anemic. This means I don't have enough red blood cells - usually caused by low iron. So I need to take daily iron supplements. BUT on a good note, while I had her on the phone I asked about the glucose test results, AND I do NOT have gestational diabetes. :)
Second visit (06/30): Ultrasound - Jesse also came with me to this one, because he loves seeing the baby as much as I do! My mom and sister also came! :)
The bright spot is still in her stomach lining, but nothing new. She is growing just like she should be. Even though I am at 29 weeks, most of her measurements were about 30 weeks ... and she weighs 3.5 pounds now! Wow! She's a big girl! Considering, my books and everything all say she should be about 2.5 pounds. haha.
Of course we also got some pictures... (my favorite part!!)

Look at this little chunker! Those cheeks! Oh my!
JUST like her daddy when he was a baby too!
JUST like her daddy when he was a baby too!
Unfortunately, this was the only face shot we could get - because she moved and was facing my back the rest of the time. What a stinker!
I can't wait to get back and see her chunky cheeks again! Soo cute!
I can't wait to get back and see her chunky cheeks again! Soo cute!