Friday, July 30, 2010

Doctor's Appointments (28/29 weeks)

Again, I am having two doctor's appointments this time. One with my regular OBGYN and another with the Ultrasound place again.

First visit (6/22): OBGYN - Jesse came with me this time, since I was getting blood drawn ( for my glucose test - to see if I have gestational diabetes). I had to drink this oh-so-yummy (hear the sarcasm?), very sugary, orange soda-ishy drink. I drank it about 45 minutes before my appointment, like I should have, then went there and got my blood drawn exactly one hour after drinking it. I hate getting blood drawn, but this time it hurt really bad the first time she stuck me. She didn't ask me to pump my fist or anything before she stuck me, I think that's why. Because she took out the needle and made me pump my fist like she usually does, then re-stuck me and it didn't burn and sting like the first time.
I am also going in every two weeks now, instead of every month. Wow. I can't believe I'm that far already!
Oh and I gained more weight. It's a weird thing, never seeing these kind of numbers on the scale before - even though I've never been one to watch the scale or anything. But still! I'm up 18 pounds so far. Which is exactly where I "should" be. So not bad!

**My doctor called on Monday ... which really freaked me out, because she said she would call if I did not pass the glucose test - otherwise I would find out when I came back for my next appointment... but she was calling me to tell me my blood results showed I am slightly anemic. This means I don't have enough red blood cells - usually caused by low iron. So I need to take daily iron supplements. BUT on a good note, while I had her on the phone I asked about the glucose test results, AND I do NOT have gestational diabetes. :)

Second visit (06/30): Ultrasound - Jesse also came with me to this one, because he loves seeing the baby as much as I do! My mom and sister also came! :)
The bright spot is still in her stomach lining, but nothing new. She is growing just like she should be. Even though I am at 29 weeks, most of her measurements were about 30 weeks ... and she weighs 3.5 pounds now! Wow! She's a big girl! Considering, my books and everything all say she should be about 2.5 pounds. haha.

Of course we also got some pictures... (my favorite part!!)

Cute little foot prints. If they are as flat as they look - they are JUST like her daddy's!

Little feet and legs

Look at this little chunker! Those cheeks! Oh my!
JUST like her daddy when he was a baby too!

Unfortunately, this was the only face shot we could get - because she moved and was facing my back the rest of the time. What a stinker!

I can't wait to get back and see her chunky cheeks again! Soo cute!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

29 Weeks...

This week I have been in "crafty" mode. I started, and almost completed a crocheted baby blanket, started flowers for beanies I am going to make for her, made more flower headbands, bought material for two receiving blankets I need to sew, and bought some more material for the quilt I'm going to make for her room as part of her "bed set." Wow! I have also looked at a very cool rug (found here) I am going to make for her room, I just need to buy some cheap material for it.
Hopefully I can get a lot of these projects done while I am "off" from work (YAY! Two more days with the kids. Crazy!). I'll have about two and a half weeks, but all of my weekends are booked. So we'll see what I can get done! I'm excited for all of the projects!!

Here is the blanket while I was working on it...
Here is the finished project:

Our not-so-little baby girl ...
Our baby should weigh about 2.5 pounds (although at the ultrasound we found out she weighs 3.5 pounds!) and should be about 15 inches long. Her muscles and lungs continue to develop and her head is growing bigger to accommodate her developing brain.

Friday, July 23, 2010

28 Weeks...

TWENTY EIGHT WEEKS! That means this is the start of my THIRD trimester! Wow. I can barely believe it. It seems like I've been pregnant forever (I can't even possibly remember what my belly or belly button used to look like)! But it also seems like just yesterday we found out the test was finally positive!! And now, I am 2/3 or the way there! Only 11 more weeks and we will meet this baby! Very surreal.

This week has been stressful, since I am finishing up the school year. I am trying to get my classroom cleaned, organized, packed, and moved within the next week or so. Luckily I have a lot of good students who will help. Thank goodness for them! I am also trying to get organized for when this baby comes and I need to take maternity leave. Or should I say GET to take leave?!! I am planning on being gone from when I deliver (hopefully I can last that long and nothing puts me on bed rest before then) to the week before winter break - which is about 10 weeks if I last until my due date. I get 12 weeks off total, but if I go in before winter break comes, then I will get two weeks off for winter break and be paid for the entire thing and it won't count against me. Although I get 12 weeks total if I wanted it, I only get 6 weeks paid (using my sick days) even though I actually have more than that of sick days and personal days saved up! Oh well, so I won't be paid for about 4 weeks of my 10, but I'll have sick days and things left over for when the baby is sick later on in the year ... I guess that is good!

My belly has been stretching - for sure. This baby is getting bigger and bigger! She is also so much stronger. She loves to move around - day and night! Her new thing is rolling around - I call it "rumbling." Sometimes it gives me that weird roller coaster stomach feeling - which I don't like at all - but other than that I love seeing her roll around in there. She has been pushing out more and more too. I love to feel the "hardness" and try to guess what it could be - an arm? a shoulder? a head? her back? her butt? :)

You can kind of see her "rumblings" from about 7 seconds on.

I haven't been having baby dreams lately - which has kind of bummed me out! BUT luckily, I had a dream on Friday night (last night) about our little girl. In my dream she was a toddler - maybe 1 and a half or something. She had her daddy's brown hair but with a slight reddish tone in the sun. I think I dreamed about her hair because Jesse and I were talking about it. I hope she has auburn hair - a mixture of her daddy's and mine. Is that possible? She also had long eye lashes that were strawberry blonde. She was just so cute. We were at the store with her shopping in my dream - which is pretty much our favorite place to be anyway. ha.

I got a gift this week too ... like the best gift ...
Shayann, my bestest friend at work, said she was going to get me a diaper bag for my shower. Well she got it, and couldn't wait for me to have it (which is awesome, because I love getting gifts early too! hah). It's the cutest bag - just the right size, with a super cute print. It has all of the bells and whistles (ones I had no idea even existed)!
Seriously there is insulated pockets on the sides to keep bottles warm/cold, a "mommy pocket" in the front to keep all of my things, two pretty large size pockets on the inside with more pockets/zippers inside of them - to keep diapers, wipes, toys, etc, and a pocket on the back outside with a changing pad inside of it. Get this - the changing pad has MEMORY FOAM inside of it. What? I know. haha. Too cute! The strap also has a memory foam pad at the top - very comfy! The hardware - zippers, hooks, and everything is so cute too ... with stars engraved in them and rhinestones on them! I absolutely love it. It was so sweet of her to get this for me, I feel so very spoiled! Thank you so much Shayann!!

Our little baby girl...
She weighs about 2.25 pounds and measures about 14.8 inches! WOW! She can blink her eyes, which now have eye lashes (what color?). She continues to develop billion of neurons in her brain and add more body fat in preparation for life in the 'outside' world.

Monday, July 12, 2010

27 Weeks ...

This week was not very eventful. I didn't even buy anything new! hehe. I went to the dermatologist this week and got some moles removed - when the doctor had to cauterize the cut the machine was very loud with this high pitch noise. It was soooo funny, because as soon as she started the machine the baby freaked out. She started moving like CRAZY and kicking all over. She obviously did not like the sound! ha. At least I am pretty sure my baby is not deaf. :)

Her favorite place to hang out, ever since I could feel her nestling places, is the lower left side of my belly. Friday night I swear I felt her head there and her arm right next to it. She sticks herself so far into my skin that I can seriously feel detail like that. It hurts usually, because she's stretching everything out right there - especially the muscles holding my belly up. What a nerd! I love it though, it's too cool feeling her like that (instead of just punching my bladder all day!).

Our little baby girl:
This week our baby weighs TWO pounds. Wow! She's also already 14.5 inches long! She's supposed to be having a regular sleep/wake patter right now, but I don't notice it. She's just so active all of the time! She is also opening and closing her eyes and may be sucking on her fingers (I am hoping she is when we see her in two weeks, how cute would that be?)! Her brain continues to develop and is very active right now (I'm taking lots of Omega Fatty Acids like my books said - it should really help her brain development). Even though her lungs are very immature, they would be capable of functioning outside (with a lot of help) if she were born now. I should be able to feel her hiccups now (which I think I did the other night ... her movements were very rhythmic and light) - I have seen her having hiccups twice on ultrasounds (15 weeks and 18 weeks). Too cute!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

26 weeks ...

Nothing really exciting happened this week. Just getting bigger and bigger. It's funny though, when I see a picture of myself, I think "am I really that big?" Even though I feel big, especially when trying to get up and down or sleeping, I don't feel like I really look THIS pregnant. Very strange.

I'm starting to hit my bump on things - run into my students, open doors and scrap by my tummy, things like that. Definitely not used to it being there. Luckily they aren't bad hits - I just need to be more careful, especially since it will only be getting larger and larger!

A new item I bought this week is this adorable onsie. I hope my little girl loves oldies music as much as I do! ...

After spending an entire week with my little sister (13), I have become very worried about out girl's teenage years. What the heck am I going to do? Mysister spends FOREVER in the bathroom getting ready. It's insane. Luckily we get a long pretty well, so she usually listens to me when I ask her to do something...but it definitely won't be the same when I'm the MOM. Luckily, I'll also be 13 years wiser (wow 37!) once she's 13, so we'll see. Take it a few years at a time, right?

Took this video of her "dancing" - she LOVES music. I listen to a lot of it while I am on the computer, especially the baby Motzart music I downloaded. Here is a little of her dancing. You gotta pay attention RIGHT at the beginning, before I move the camera. There is a little at the end too. Unfortunately, once I get up to get the camera she slows down a little. She was doing it a lot more before I took this. ha. I love it!!!
Baby dancing!

Our baby girl has been developing a lot this week:
Her ears are much more developed and more sensitive than before. Luckily I play lots of music for her. She seems to love it. I found an entire collection of Motzart for the womb. Very cool. She is developing her lungs by inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid. She's also putting on more and more baby fat and now weighs a little more than 1.7 pounds! She's about 14 inches long too.