Tuesday, July 27, 2010

29 Weeks...

This week I have been in "crafty" mode. I started, and almost completed a crocheted baby blanket, started flowers for beanies I am going to make for her, made more flower headbands, bought material for two receiving blankets I need to sew, and bought some more material for the quilt I'm going to make for her room as part of her "bed set." Wow! I have also looked at a very cool rug (found here) I am going to make for her room, I just need to buy some cheap material for it.
Hopefully I can get a lot of these projects done while I am "off" from work (YAY! Two more days with the kids. Crazy!). I'll have about two and a half weeks, but all of my weekends are booked. So we'll see what I can get done! I'm excited for all of the projects!!

Here is the blanket while I was working on it...
Here is the finished project:

Our not-so-little baby girl ...
Our baby should weigh about 2.5 pounds (although at the ultrasound we found out she weighs 3.5 pounds!) and should be about 15 inches long. Her muscles and lungs continue to develop and her head is growing bigger to accommodate her developing brain.
from babycenter.com

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