Monday, July 12, 2010

27 Weeks ...

This week was not very eventful. I didn't even buy anything new! hehe. I went to the dermatologist this week and got some moles removed - when the doctor had to cauterize the cut the machine was very loud with this high pitch noise. It was soooo funny, because as soon as she started the machine the baby freaked out. She started moving like CRAZY and kicking all over. She obviously did not like the sound! ha. At least I am pretty sure my baby is not deaf. :)

Her favorite place to hang out, ever since I could feel her nestling places, is the lower left side of my belly. Friday night I swear I felt her head there and her arm right next to it. She sticks herself so far into my skin that I can seriously feel detail like that. It hurts usually, because she's stretching everything out right there - especially the muscles holding my belly up. What a nerd! I love it though, it's too cool feeling her like that (instead of just punching my bladder all day!).

Our little baby girl:
This week our baby weighs TWO pounds. Wow! She's also already 14.5 inches long! She's supposed to be having a regular sleep/wake patter right now, but I don't notice it. She's just so active all of the time! She is also opening and closing her eyes and may be sucking on her fingers (I am hoping she is when we see her in two weeks, how cute would that be?)! Her brain continues to develop and is very active right now (I'm taking lots of Omega Fatty Acids like my books said - it should really help her brain development). Even though her lungs are very immature, they would be capable of functioning outside (with a lot of help) if she were born now. I should be able to feel her hiccups now (which I think I did the other night ... her movements were very rhythmic and light) - I have seen her having hiccups twice on ultrasounds (15 weeks and 18 weeks). Too cute!

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