Thursday, March 4, 2010

8 weeks...

Horrible picture, sorry. But wow, look at that belly! (bloating?)
Weight: 117 (+1)

During this eighth week a few things have changed:

- Boobs. My boobs hurt more and more lately.

- EXHAUSTED. I have been so very tired. Napping, daily. I don't like taking naps, but it's the only thing that keeps me feeling semi-decent towards the end of the day.

- Hungry. All of the time. Again, if I am not eating constantly, I feel nauseous. Although my nausea has gone down a lot since last week.

- Still thirsty. I notice the more I drink the better I feel all around (exhaustion simmers down, no cramping, nausea almost goes away). If only drinking so much water didn't mean peeing all day at work. That's tough, when I can't leave at any time.

- EMOTIONAL. So very emotional. I am trying not to cry, like all day.

- Back pain. Not sure if this is due to the pregnancy or not, but my lower back is hurting off and on, like I need a good adjustment or something. Luckily my chiropractor appointment is coming up!

My dream this week: Again, of a girl. She had dark hair and at first was a tiny baby and then quickly grew into a toddler I was fighting with about eating her food. Funny.

My little sister said she has had a dream I was having a boy. So three girl dreams for me, one boy dream for her. I guess we'll see. We have a 50% chance of being right. ha.

Our baby is also changing rapidly:
Our baby is now 5/8 of an inch long (about twice as large from last week). Our baby has webbed fingers and toes, eyelids that are practically covering the eyes, breathing tubes are extending from the throat to the developing lungs, the "tail" is almost gone. In our baby's brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another.
- via

Jesse was totally excited when I told him our baby's tail is almost gone. haha.

Next week - our first doctors appointment. YAY! We get to hear the heartbeat AND I will have a picture to post of our beautiful baby bean!

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