Friday, April 30, 2010

Third Doctor's Visit (16 weeks)

Again, this visit was pretty uneventful! However, I was supposed to go with Jesse on Thursday of this week, but he had some more skin cancer removed from his scalp and this time it hurt much worse than last time. I didn't want to leave him that day - so I rescheduled for the next day, Friday. Unfortunately, he had to go back to work and couldn't make it to the appointment. I called my mom and she went with me. I was going to get blood drawn - for the Cystic Fibrosis test (to see if I am a carrier of the gene) - but completely forgot to mention it after waiting 45 minutes again to see the doctor. Ugh! So I was pretty upset with myself for that. I think I will call the office and ask if they want me to come in before my next appointment (in 4 weeks - at 20 weeks). Hmmm...

My mom was happy to come though and hear the baby's heartbeat and all of that. It was really nice of her to come on such short notice too! Thanks mom!

Oh and I gained 2 pounds. Although I have heard that you gain and lose 2 pounds throughout the day almost daily...I am still happy to hear I am putting on weight. Since the beginning when I gained about 3 pounds, but then lost it all after th bloating went away, I have stayed at the same weight for the past few months. Now that I am in the second trimester I should be sticking about a pound o n me every week! So I am looking forward to seeing the scale go up at my next appointment too. Then I know I am staying healthy! :)

Now I need to schedule my 20 week anatomy ultrasound - it's at a specialist, not my regular OBGYN. They are going to check out our little girl's anatomy and hopefully find out everything is working properly and she looks great! I have high hopes, since Whitnie looked around and at 15 weeks everything looked very healthy and normal. Yay! Jesse will definitely be at this one. I am excited to see our little girl again and hopefully get some more pictures to take home! WooOo!

Monday, April 26, 2010

16 Weeks...

At 16 weeks ... nothing new has really happened.

I have been feeling MUCH better this week. Kidney infection is practically gone and all of my antibiotics will be done this week, although I have to continue taking a mild antibiotic every day for the remainder of the pregnancy because I am more likely to get another infection now that I have had one. It kind of stinks to take ANOTHER pill each day (on top of seriously 8 others already), but I am glad she is keeping me on them, because after how fast the kidney infection came, I was very worried about getting another one. So I guess I am happy she's keeping me on the antibiotics!

Something cool that happened this week - Friday morning when Jesse was getting ready for work I thought I felt the baby. It was kind of the same feeling I have been feeling the past week or so, but when I put my hand on my belly I could feel the movements through my belly too. So I called Jesse and made him feel. It stopped almost immediately, but he felt it for a second. How cool is that? Awww. Her movements don't feel like much. Kind of bubbly or "popping-ish." I love it though! :)

I have also began to really have a "baby bump" this week. It kinda just popped out. It may still be mistaken for a beer belly though, but two strangers have actually asked if I was pregnant. One when I was getting my nails done - and she is also pregnant (about 12 weeks along) and one lady at Whitnie's baby shower over the weekend. Those ladies have guts though, I would never ask a girl with a "gut" if she was pregnant and how far along. I would definitely wait and it would have to be super obvious!

I have also gone Craig'sList crazy! Since Jesse and I got a new car we placed the old car up for sale and I put it on Craig's List to get more buyers...but then I saw a link for "baby and kid" I clicked there and have not been able to stop! I found maternity clothes, baby items, baby clothes, etc. It's been awesome! WOOooOo for cheap, but nice, things! :)

What our baby is up to this week:
Our baby girl is about 4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces. Patterning on the scalp has begun, even though hair is not really recognizable yet. Toenails are growing. Her heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood now each day. (Actually Jesse and I even noticed the difference in the sound of her heart from the doppler we have. Her heart sounds stronger and is also slowing down to about 140 beats/minute rather than 155-160 like it was earlier.)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Whitnie's BABY SHOWER!

Whitnie is having a GIRL! Yay!

She already has the cutest little boy, Parker, who is almost two and is now due June 1st with this little girl! I am so happy for her! I can't wait to meet her tiny little Whitnie! :)
Her baby shower was a lot of fun - I even won a prize for the baby food eating contest! Fun times! Whitnie got some very cute baby girl headbands that I am dying to make now. I am already on the search for the headbands and clips and flowers to put on them! SoOo cute!

Love you mamma Whitnie! You are such an awesome mom!

Monday, April 19, 2010

15 Weeks...

This week has been by far the most eventful week!

Earlier this week we went in for a gender ultrasound. Found out it's a girl! We are going to have a daughter! :) Check out the previous post for pictures of this beautiful lady!
THEN that same day I started having major back pains, right below my ribs. I thought maybe it was gas, because I have been very constipated lately! I tried to stay calm and Jesse rubbed my back the entire night. The pain got better, but then other symptoms started popping up. Those symptoms made me think maybe it was a bladder/kidney infection. I called my OBGYN and asked her about my last urine test (I just went in last Thursday). She said there were a few white cells (lots of white cells indicates your body is trying to fight off an infection), but nothing to be worried about. After listening to all of my symptoms she prescribed some antibiotics. At 10pm Jesse drove down to the Walgreens to pick it up. Unfortunately, I could not keep it down. I was throwing up all night and did not sleep at all! I called my OBGYN the next morning and she told me to go to the ER.
We went to the ER and spent almost the entire day there! Ugh! They gave me an IV with lots of fluids, antibiotics, and anti-nausea stuff. I felt much better, but they still wanted to keep me over night. I wish I could really explain about this damn doctor at the ER - he was a complete jerk and totally weird. I basically refused to stay over night, telling him I didn't really want to and asking if it was necessary. His answer was "You could have a miscarriage and then it would be my fault" as he walked out the door. No explanation. No reason why. Nothing! Then he came back after talking to my OBGYN saying I had a heart rate of 140 (which I did not!!! It was 104 when I came in, he read it wrong!), and I had a high fever (of 98?? WTF? That's normal!). I was asking him what my options were if I left, he just said "then you are going against doctor's orders and your insurance won't pay for a thing." WHAT?! That's not what I wanted to know, I wanted to know what is the difference if I stay here or go home - in terms of my condition?! Jesus. I told him I wanted to talk to my OBGYN (especially since I think he gave her wrong info about my heart rate and temp and everything). He said "fine," stomped his foot like a little kid, and stormed out. He acted like a damn teenager. You should have heard his voice! What a creep.
So I talked to my OBGYN and told her the situation. She said the only reason they want me to stay is to give me another dose of IV antibiotics the next day in 24 hours. She said I could go home and she wanted to see me in the morning.
I went to her office at 9am on Monday morning, she checked the baby's heart rate (still healthy! - I teared up) and gave me another prescription for antibiotics and anti-nausea meds. As long as I keep them down I am good to go!
The pain is horrible, but as long as I can keep down the antibiotics it will get better!

**Luckily I have kept down the antibiotics. Things are going much better! Monday I seriously slept the entire day! Tuesday and Wednesday I took long naps and did almost nothing around the house. By Wednesday though I was able to stand up straight and the pain was almost all gone. WoOo**

What our baby GIRL has been up to this week:
She is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces. She is busy breathing in the amniotic fluid which is helping develop her lungs and upper respiratory tract. Her arms and legs are growing longer and she can now move all of her joints and limbs. Even though her eyes are sitll fused shut, she can sense light through the belly and move away from it.

I have to say - Jesse has been great throughout this entire pregnancy (and before, of course), but he has really been taking care of me and the baby. BUT these past few days with this infection, he has been AMAZING! I couldn't ask for anything better. My daughter (how will I ever get used to this?) and I are the luckiest girls in the world to have him!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gender Ultrasound!!

We went in today to find out the gender of our baby!!!
My friend Whitnie, was the one to actually do the Ultrasound. I have known this girl since 6th grade! She is also pregnant right now, with a girl, due in June, and has he cutest baby belly! I was so excited to see her!
We invited a few people to come along with us (my sister Roxanne, my friend Michelle, and my sister in law Cecile). We we all were patiently waiting. So excited! When we got into the room and Whitnie started scanning, it was just too cool. The baby has gotten so much bigger since the last time we saw her on an ultrasound. She checked the gender "area" and I could have sworn it was a boy, we all saw something, but we have no idea what we're looking at! haha. So after about 3 minutes, which seemed like forever, Whitnie finally said "okay, I'm sure I know what it is..." Keeping us all in suspense while she found the perfect picture to show. I even said "it's a boy, isn't it?" ...

Drum roll please.....
It's a GIRL!!!

We're going to have a daughter! Wow!

The "money shot"

We also found out many of the scary defects you can detect through ultrasound technology were ruled out. She looks as healthy as she can be! We couldn't be happier!
She is definitely a mover though. She was squirming around like crazy! Her legs were wrapped around each other like a pretzel. Too cute!

These are just some of the ultrasound pictures we got from the session:

Tiny Profile

Look at that tiny hand. You can see every bone!

A 4D picture. She looks like she is exhausted...with her hand on her forehead like that! ha.

Her back. Her spine looks perfect!

Her tiny profile

Her very tiny BRAIN. The little circle in the middle - it shows both hemispheres. Wow!

Add Video
We are still working on a name, but it will be a much easier task knowing it's a girl.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

14 Weeks...

Welcome to the SECOND Trimester. WoOooOo!

I'm addicted to MILK. Weird. I never drink glasses of milk alone (usually just soy milk), and lately that's all I have been wanting. I drink about half a gallon of milk each day. At least. Maybe more. Gross, yes.

My poor back and neck. I have been in so much pain lately. It's cracking like crazy, all day and all night! Walking sometimes hurts horribly...pain from the grinding bones in my lower back shooting down my leg. Ouch. My neck has been sore for days now. I have tried to change my sleeping position, but so far no luck. It's just getting worse! This is making me nervous, because I'm not even big yet! What will happen when I have a huge beach ball in front of me and I am walking and sleeping weird. Man oh Man. Luckily I have been going to chiropractor for a while now...I am down to once a month. But he says there is really nothing he can do. All of my bones are moving so quickly and widening and all of that. Yuck!

I also think maybe I am feeling the baby moving. Just sometimes, not very often. Maybe once a day for the past week or so. It's like little fluttering for about 2 seconds. I don't think it's gas, trust me I KNOW what gas feels like by now. Holy cow pregnant women are the gassiest people ever I am coming to realize! haha.

Wednesday night I had a dream we found out at our ultrasound appointment that we were having a girl. This is probably just because I am leaning towards a girl. I don't know why I think it's a girl. Most other people think it's a boy. Hmmm.

What Tiny Baby Bonzo is up to this week:
Our baby is now about 4 inches long! Wow. This kid is growing like a maniac now! It took forever for him/her to get to about 1.5 inches, now it's growing that every two weeks! Wow! Our baby also weighs about 2.5 ounces, a whole ounce more than last week! He or She is about the size f an apple! The lungs are developing through moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract. the legs and arms are growing more now and all of the joints and limbs can be moved! Even though the eyelids are still fused shut (and won't open for a while) she or he can sense light and will move away from it.

News: I am going to get another ultrasound this Saturday - at a 4D Ultrasound place. My friend, Whitnie (who I have known since 6th grade!), works as an ultrasound tech there and she will be doing the ultrasound for me! HOPEFULLY we will be able to find out if Tiny Baby is a boy or a girl! But our baby has to be in the right position to give us a little show. I can't wait to find out! I am soooo very excited! I am also excited to see Tiny Baby again. It'll be able 6 weeks since we've seen in there. I can't wait to find out how healthy he or she is too. Yay!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Second Doctor's Appointment

This appointment definitely wasn't that exciting. However, I found out I am pretty healthy and all of the bad things they tested for at our last appointment came back negative. WoOoO!
We had to wait a little over an HOUR to see the doctor. It was a very long day (spending the entire morning and afternoon with Jesse - while he got his forehead sliced open. Poor guy!).

BUT we did get to hear the heartbeat again! Even though I find it home every once in a while with my at home doppler that I got a few weeks ago, it is more reassuring having the doctor find it.

Our little bean is still in there and doing well! Yay! We love you Tiny Baby Bonzo! :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

13 weeks...

I ordered a Fetal Heart Monitor - doppler thingie - online last week. I got it this week!!
Of course, I used it RIGHT AWAY! I found the baby's heartbeat, after first finding mine a few times. It was amazing to hear. I couldn't believe it. It is so fast - about 162 beats/minute. I definitely teared up. Wow. Amazing.

What has been up with me:
Nothing has really changed since last week. Symptoms are still dying off, which is nice. I am still always hungry and if not satisfied, of course I get nauseous! Ugh. Some food aversions, but luckily this continues to go away and I have more control over it. I still have random cravings, which change every day. Thanks Jesse for putting up with that!! :)

I have been feeling less and less sick. Healthy foods have been sounding good this week. Thinking of a salad doesn't make my stomach turn. I had some Mahi Mahi fish. Yum. Avacado went down too! WoOo! I am so happy about this. I haven't been able to eat super healthy the past few months, which I know is not good. Everything "green" and healthy made me want to throw up right then and there! So yay for this change!

I had a birthing dream Monday night. It wasn't that bad, but I definitely would rather the cute chunky baby dreams instead.

What our baby is up to this week:
Our baby is about 3.5 inches (about the size of a lemon). Finally the body will catch up with the size of the head (haha). Our baby is also very active and flexible, even though I shouldn't be able to feel it yet. Our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and suck his/her thumb. How awesome?! Also facial muscles are getting a workout and he/she can now show facial expressions. The kidneys are producing urine, which gets released back into the amniotic fluid - which will continue until birth.

We have a doctor's appointment this week - Thursday 04/10! We are excited to know everything came back good from the blood work and all of that they did last time with me. Other than that, we get to hear the heartbeat again! :)