This week has been by far the
most eventful week!
Earlier this week we went in for a gender ultrasound. Found out it's a girl! We are going to have a daughter! :) Check out the previous post for pictures of this beautiful lady!
THEN that same day I started having major back pains, right below my ribs. I thought maybe it was gas, because I have been very constipated lately! I tried to stay calm and Jesse rubbed my back the entire night. The pain got better, but then other symptoms started popping up. Those symptoms made me think maybe it was a bladder/kidney infection. I called my OBGYN and asked her about my last urine test (I just went in last Thursday). She said there were a few white cells (lots of white cells indicates your body is trying to fight off an infection), but nothing to be worried about. After listening to all of my symptoms she prescribed some antibiotics. At 10pm Jesse drove down to the Walgreens to pick it up. Unfortunately, I could not keep it down. I was throwing up all night and did not sleep at all! I called my OBGYN the next morning and she told me to go to the ER.
We went to the ER and spent almost the entire day there! Ugh! They gave me an IV with lots of fluids, antibiotics, and anti-nausea stuff. I felt much better, but they still wanted to keep me over night. I wish I could really explain about this damn doctor at the ER - he was a complete jerk and totally weird. I basically refused to stay over night, telling him I didn't really want to and asking if it was necessary. His answer was "You could have a miscarriage and then it would be my fault" as he walked out the door. No explanation. No reason why. Nothing! Then he came back after talking to my OBGYN saying I had a heart rate of 140 (which I did not!!! It was 104 when I came in, he read it wrong!), and I had a high fever (of 98?? WTF? That's normal!). I was asking him what my options were if I left, he just said "then you are going against doctor's orders and your insurance won't pay for a thing." WHAT?! That's not what I wanted to know, I wanted to know what is the difference if I stay here or go home - in terms of my condition?! Jesus. I told him I wanted to talk to my OBGYN (especially since I think he gave her wrong info about my heart rate and temp and everything). He said "fine," stomped his foot like a little kid, and stormed out. He acted like a damn teenager. You should have heard his voice! What a creep.
So I talked to my OBGYN and told her the situation. She said the only reason they want me to stay is to give me another dose of IV antibiotics the next day in 24 hours. She said I could go home and she wanted to see me in the morning.
I went to her office at 9am on Monday morning, she checked the baby's heart rate (still healthy! - I teared up) and gave me another prescription for antibiotics and anti-nausea meds. As long as I keep them down I am good to go!
The pain is horrible, but as long as I can keep down the antibiotics it will get better!
**Luckily I have kept down the antibiotics. Things are going much better! Monday I seriously slept the entire day! Tuesday and Wednesday I took long naps and did almost nothing around the house. By Wednesday though I was able to stand up straight and the pain was almost all gone. WoOo**
What our baby GIRL has been up to this week:
She is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces. She is busy breathing in the amniotic fluid which is helping develop her lungs and upper respiratory tract. Her arms and legs are growing longer and she can now move all of her joints and limbs. Even though her eyes are sitll fused shut, she can sense light through the belly and move away from it.
Via Babycenter.com
I have to say - Jesse has been great throughout this entire pregnancy (and before, of course), but he has really been taking care of me and the baby. BUT these past few days with this infection, he has been AMAZING! I couldn't ask for anything better. My daughter (how will I ever get used to this?) and I are the luckiest girls in the world to have him!