I ordered a Fetal Heart Monitor - doppler thingie - online last week. I got it this week!!
Of course, I used it RIGHT AWAY! I found the baby's heartbeat, after first finding mine a few times. It was amazing to hear. I couldn't believe it. It is so fast - about 162 beats/minute. I definitely teared up. Wow. Amazing.
What has been up with me:
Nothing has really changed since last week. Symptoms are still dying off, which is nice. I am still always hungry and if not satisfied, of course I get nauseous! Ugh. Some food aversions, but luckily this continues to go away and I have more control over it. I still have random cravings, which change every day. Thanks Jesse for putting up with that!! :)
I have been feeling less and less sick. Healthy foods have been sounding good this week. Thinking of a salad doesn't make my stomach turn. I had some Mahi Mahi fish. Yum. Avacado went down too! WoOo! I am so happy about this. I haven't been able to eat super healthy the past few months, which I know is not good. Everything "green" and healthy made me want to throw up right then and there! So yay for this change!
I had a birthing dream Monday night. It wasn't that bad, but I definitely would rather the cute chunky baby dreams instead.
What our baby is up to this week:
Our baby is about 3.5 inches (about the size of a lemon). Finally the body will catch up with the size of the head (haha). Our baby is also very active and flexible, even though I shouldn't be able to feel it yet. Our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and suck his/her thumb. How awesome?! Also facial muscles are getting a workout and he/she can now show facial expressions. The kidneys are producing urine, which gets released back into the amniotic fluid - which will continue until birth.
Via Babycenter.com
We have a doctor's appointment this week - Thursday 04/10! We are excited to know everything came back good from the blood work and all of that they did last time with me. Other than that, we get to hear the heartbeat again! :)
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