Welcome to the SECOND Trimester. WoOooOo!
My poor back and neck. I have been in so much pain lately. It's cracking like crazy, all day and all night! Walking sometimes hurts horribly...pain from the grinding bones in my lower back shooting down my leg. Ouch. My neck has been sore for days now. I have tried to change my sleeping position, but so far no luck. It's just getting worse! This is making me nervous, because I'm not even big yet! What will happen when I have a huge beach ball in front of me and I am walking and sleeping weird. Man oh Man. Luckily I have been going to chiropractor for a while now...I am down to once a month. But he says there is really nothing he can do. All of my bones are moving so quickly and widening and all of that. Yuck!
I also think maybe I am feeling the baby moving. Just sometimes, not very often. Maybe once a day for the past week or so. It's like little fluttering for about 2 seconds. I don't think it's gas, trust me I KNOW what gas feels like by now. Holy cow pregnant women are the gassiest people ever I am coming to realize! haha.
Wednesday night I had a dream we found out at our ultrasound appointment that we were having a girl. This is probably just because I am leaning towards a girl. I don't know why I think it's a girl. Most other people think it's a boy. Hmmm.
What Tiny Baby Bonzo is up to this week:
Our baby is now about 4 inches long! Wow. This kid is growing like a maniac now! It took forever for him/her to get to about 1.5 inches, now it's growing that every two weeks! Wow! Our baby also weighs about 2.5 ounces, a whole ounce more than last week! He or She is about the size f an apple! The lungs are developing through moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract. the legs and arms are growing more now and all of the joints and limbs can be moved! Even though the eyelids are still fused shut (and won't open for a while) she or he can sense light and will move away from it.
Thanks babycenter.com
News: I am going to get another ultrasound this Saturday - at a 4D Ultrasound place. My friend, Whitnie (who I have known since 6th grade!), works as an ultrasound tech there and she will be doing the ultrasound for me! HOPEFULLY we will be able to find out if Tiny Baby is a boy or a girl! But our baby has to be in the right position to give us a little show. I can't wait to find out! I am soooo very excited! I am also excited to see Tiny Baby again. It'll be able 6 weeks since we've seen in there. I can't wait to find out how healthy he or she is too. Yay!
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