Friday, April 30, 2010

Third Doctor's Visit (16 weeks)

Again, this visit was pretty uneventful! However, I was supposed to go with Jesse on Thursday of this week, but he had some more skin cancer removed from his scalp and this time it hurt much worse than last time. I didn't want to leave him that day - so I rescheduled for the next day, Friday. Unfortunately, he had to go back to work and couldn't make it to the appointment. I called my mom and she went with me. I was going to get blood drawn - for the Cystic Fibrosis test (to see if I am a carrier of the gene) - but completely forgot to mention it after waiting 45 minutes again to see the doctor. Ugh! So I was pretty upset with myself for that. I think I will call the office and ask if they want me to come in before my next appointment (in 4 weeks - at 20 weeks). Hmmm...

My mom was happy to come though and hear the baby's heartbeat and all of that. It was really nice of her to come on such short notice too! Thanks mom!

Oh and I gained 2 pounds. Although I have heard that you gain and lose 2 pounds throughout the day almost daily...I am still happy to hear I am putting on weight. Since the beginning when I gained about 3 pounds, but then lost it all after th bloating went away, I have stayed at the same weight for the past few months. Now that I am in the second trimester I should be sticking about a pound o n me every week! So I am looking forward to seeing the scale go up at my next appointment too. Then I know I am staying healthy! :)

Now I need to schedule my 20 week anatomy ultrasound - it's at a specialist, not my regular OBGYN. They are going to check out our little girl's anatomy and hopefully find out everything is working properly and she looks great! I have high hopes, since Whitnie looked around and at 15 weeks everything looked very healthy and normal. Yay! Jesse will definitely be at this one. I am excited to see our little girl again and hopefully get some more pictures to take home! WooOo!

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