Monday, June 28, 2010

25 Weeks ...

This week heartburn came back with a vengeance! Yuck! I'm trying to eat slower, but it's difficult because I am usually starving (no matter how many snacks I eat during the day). I'm always hungry. BUT I got a new pillow this week, a really firm, thick pillow - I have been propping myself up with it each night, so far I can at least sleep through the night!

Even though heartburn is old news, something weird and random started this week - my stomach area, kind of in between my boobs, started to fall asleep at random times. Seriously. What? If I am leaning over and not sitting up straight it starts to go numb and tingly. I tried to google it and can't find anything about it. Although, I think I figured it out - by bra is too tight or something. I need to get a bigger bra, AGAIN. Ugh. I think because the skin right there is stretched really tightly, so the bra I have is pressing against that spot too hard. I'm not sure what is there that is "falling asleep" - but it can't be good that something is not getting blood to it. Very strange.

I also definitely feel HUGE this week. I can definitely tell our baby is having a growth spurt right now, because my stomach is too. It's crazy how much huger (is that a word?) I feel than just last week!

Some new things I got this week ;) ...
This is from for nursing.
I got it for free plus 10 dollars shipping. It took forever to get here, but it's really pretty! I can't wait to hold this baby.

Also ... Rhonda, a friend from work, gave me the cutest little pink and brown monkey hoodie set. It's so dang cute. I saw it at target probably a week ago and REALLY wanted it, but refrained. haha. SO I am sooo happy she got it! i absolutely love it! Unfortunately I can't get a picture of it on here from and I am too lazy to go up stairs and take a picture of the real one...BUT if you want to see this cutie thing go here:

This week also included Independence Day. Yay Fourth of July! We headed to Utah to visit Jesse's family and have some fun at the cabin. Here's our little family up in the mountains...

What our baby girl has been up to:
She is measuring about 13.5 inches and is about a pound and a half. Whoa! She's finally getting chubbier with baby fat and her wrinkled skin is starting to smooth out. She's also starting to grow hair - I'm hoping red and probably thick since Jesse and I have crazy thick hair!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Doctor's Appointments (24 weeks)

I had two appointments again this week, one with my regular OBGYN and another with the specialist to check on the bright spot found last month in her stomach.

The first appointment, Thursday, was actually very nice - I got in right away (for the first time) and was out of there in about 45 minutes! wooOo! [Which was good, because I still needed to buy Jesse's birthday presents! ha.] This appointment wasn't that eventful, her heartbeat sounds great and the doctor said she's not worried about the bright spot (that's good). BUT she gave me my yummy (not so much) orange drink that I have to drink before my next appointment - for my glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes. Hopefully next month that test goes well.

My second appointment, Friday, Jesse went with me - since we got to see the baby on an ultrasound. Unfortunately, at first we thought the bright spot had gone away - but no such luck. It's still there. It looks like it's in her stomach lining, which again isn't that worrisome (according to the doctor). I am hoping this is true, I am trying not to worry about it, but it's hard. Good news - my blood tests came back negative, which is positive (ha). So many things were ruled out, but who knows about other things. Hopefully she's born just fine and everything goes well. We'll find out in October! :)

Here are some pictures we got from the ultrasound - not as great of pictures as we have gotten in the past, but she was kind of at a weird angle and didn't want to turn over, just kick a lot haha.

Her face and tummy.

Her face and tummy again. See her nose?

Her face, big tummy, and eye.

Her big tummy, and on the right is a straight on shot of her nose and lips. How cool is that? Do you think she's got Jesse's or my lips and nose? hmmmm...

AND she is still a girl. haha.

24 weeks...


This week my heartburn kind of decreased, which has been really nice! I can sleep much better at night and am not so miserable during the day! WoOo! Please last!

This week was also the first week when some random person (a worker at Jiffy Lube) asked when I was due. :) This makes me feel good - I don't look weird and fat I guess anymore, for sure. WoO!

This little girl has been crazier and crazier! Her kicks are harder, but also now I can feel her "dragging" herself around my tummy. I can feel things poking out and running along the side. Crazy feeling, for sure. I love it though. No matter what I am doing, I have to stop and admire. It's a truly amazing thing. Seriously, my body is creating a life in there. So amazing. Thanks for making me smile all day baby Bonzo! Just please stop punching my bladder. :)
Her kicks have been so hard, that I have tried to get others to feel it (besides just me and Jesse). Some have felt it, but sometimes she stops RIGHT when they put their hand there. It's like she knows. haha. Now you can definitely see my tummy moving and shaking though, when she gets really crazy. It makes me laugh!

Our baby girl is getting bigger and bigger and bigger...
She's gained about 4 ounces since last week (about 1 pound 10 ounces!). She's also about a foot long now, but still very skinny. Her body is starting to fill out and plump up. Her brain is growing very quickly now, and her taste buds are developing. Her longs are also developing rapidly. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but will change in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

23 Weeks ...

This week this little girl has been a complete maniac! She hates when things invade "her" space. If I am bending over, she kicks me - like MOVE IT MOM! If my bladder is really full, she definitely hates that and does some jumping jacks on it - trying to tell it to move away! I want to tell her, look little girl ... my body parts were here first! Geez. haha. Her kicks are becoming stronger and stronger. I love feeling them! She has even gotten me up at night, because of the kicks! ha. (Funny for now, I guess. Maybe not so much later!) The other night while I was reading before bed, I had my bookmark laying on my stomach ... it started vibrating from her movements, then she kicked pretty hard a few times and it fell off of my stomach! haha. I was smiling the whole time!

I also got my blood taken this week - finally. I was supposed to do it almost two weeks ago now, but haven't had the time (or, to be honest, felt like it. ugh). My regular OBGYN said I could wait until I see her on for my 24th week date, but I figured I would go in at least a week early. I'm not sure how long it will take to get the results back? I hope I get some really good news and a lot of things are ruled out! Next week I also am going back to the doctor who gave me my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I am hoping the bright white spot in her stomach has gone away by then. That would definitely make the entire situation better. If it hasn't gone away - I am not sure what to think. I guess the blood results will help a little.

I have already started planning for my maternity leave next year. I need to get a lot done before then. Of course, about this time of year anyway, I am already planning and thinking about next year - just now I am doing a little more preparation. I think it will be good though. I really have to get things together for the sub, so I know everything will be really put together for me and I won't be stressing out over it while I am 9 months pregnant! I just need to get it done, then I can stop worrying! Luckily, my sister - Nikki - is staying the week with me (she's out of school for the summer) and has really been helping me out in my classroom. Getting things organized, copied, cleaned, etc. THANKS babe!

We had class pictures this week and the photographer actually asked me when I was due. I think this is the first "stranger" that has flat out asked if I was pregnant. Others go about in a weird way, just in case I just have a beer gut I guess. It was nice to know I for sure for sure look pregnant now - at least enough for people to ask me :)

At the end of this week (Friday), I was sitting with the laptop and felt her seriously nestle herself into my lower stomach on my left side. I look down and you could see a huge lump! I felt it, and I could feel a little ball - maybe her butt? I was totally creeped out. That was crazy! I made Jesse come feel, and he was able to - just before she moved. I also got a quick picture. Can you tell how lop sided my tummy is?

We also bought something new ... (on sale at Target for $10.)
It's crazy to put on...but I think we'll get used to it. It should come in pretty handy!

My mom also got us this super cute outfit:
(so maybe the name we're thinking of starts with the letter "M" haha)

Our little girl:
She can now sense movement and even feel if I am dancing. She is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over one pound! Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. The sounds she is hearing is preparing her for the outside world - loud noises (like m yelling at my students. ha) probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

22 Weeks

Saw this survey on the October Birth Board. Thought it would be fun...



AGE: 24

HEIGHT: 5'3"



NAME: Jesse

AGE: 24

HEIGHT: 5'9"



WHEN'D YOU FIND OUT? February 3rd.


FIRST REACTION: Really? No way? Finally!!!

WHO WAS WITH YOU? Since it was 4:30am, Jesse was asleep in the bedroom - until I ran out of the bathroom!

FIRST PERSON YOU TOLD: Jesse! Then called my sister, Roxanne. :)

PARENTS' REACTION: very happy! First grandchild for all grandparents!

HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU? 22 weeks 4 days

FIRST SYMPTOM: Missed Period.

DUE DATE: October 10th, 2010. (10/10/10)


PICKED THE NAME? Not yet ... still deciding!

WEIGHT GAINED SO FAR: About 9 pounds.

STRETCH MARKS? Not so far ...

FELT BABY MOVE? Yes! All of the time!!

HEART HEARTBEAT? Was a lot higher at the beginning, now she's usually around 140s.



NATURAL OR MEDICATED BIRTH? Medication - please!

WHO WILL BE THERE FOR BIRTH? my husband, my sister, my mom


NEED C-SECTION? No - please no.

WILL YOU CRY? I'm sure.




This week I have just had CRAZY heartburn. No matter what I eat, or how long I wait to lay down after eating, or how many pillows I use to prop myself up at night, I get really bad sour stomach and heartburn. It's getting really annoying and painful! I am thinking about asking my doctor for heartburn medication. RELIEF Please oh please!

We have also bought some new items from craigs list ...

Bouncer (10 dollars!)

Matching Swing (50 dollars)

Shopping Cart Cover (15 dollars)

I'm pretty proud of these finds, especially since that is seriously the EXACT swing I wanted - and I got the bouncer to match, even though both were from different sellers on different days! WoOo!

I have also started my 'real' registry. Although I don't use registries and I think they are a waste of time, I guess it's the thing to do when you're having a shower. So I made one. It was fun looking through all of the stuff at, BUT I have realized even though we have a TON of things already, we have so much more to buy! Cloth diapers & accessories, bath accessories, crib mattress, changing table pad, bottles & accessories, I want a cute and comfy glider/ottoman chair, crib sheets & accessories, etc. etc. etc. WOW the list goes on forever! Does it ever end? Geez!

The baby shower date has been officially set - Sunday, August 15th. It'll be fun. Hopefully a pool party afterwards. Yay!

What our little girl has been up to:

She is about 11 inches long and almost one pound! She's like a miniature newborn - lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct. Her eyes have formed, but the irises still lack pigment. Little tiny hair is covering her body, along with tiny deep wrinkles - which she'll have until she gains a little more fat to fill them in.
