I had two appointments again this week, one with my regular OBGYN and another with the specialist to check on the bright spot found last month in her stomach.
The first appointment, Thursday, was actually very nice - I got in right away (for the first time) and was out of there in about 45 minutes! wooOo! [Which was good, because I still needed to buy Jesse's birthday presents! ha.] This appointment wasn't that eventful, her heartbeat sounds great and the doctor said she's not worried about the bright spot (that's good). BUT she gave me my yummy (not so much) orange drink that I have to drink before my next appointment - for my glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes. Hopefully next month that test goes well.
My second appointment, Friday, Jesse went with me - since we got to see the baby on an ultrasound. Unfortunately, at first we thought the bright spot had gone away - but no such luck. It's still there. It looks like it's in her stomach lining, which again isn't that worrisome (according to the doctor). I am hoping this is true, I am trying not to worry about it, but it's hard. Good news - my blood tests came back negative, which is positive (ha). So many things were ruled out, but who knows about other things. Hopefully she's born just fine and everything goes well. We'll find out in October! :)
Here are some pictures we got from the ultrasound - not as great of pictures as we have gotten in the past, but she was kind of at a weird angle and didn't want to turn over, just kick a lot haha.

Her face and tummy.

Her face and tummy again. See her nose?

Her face, big tummy, and eye.

Her big tummy, and on the right is a straight on shot of her nose and lips. How cool is that? Do you think she's got Jesse's or my lips and nose? hmmmm...

AND she is still a girl. haha.
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