This week this little girl has been a complete maniac! She hates when things invade "her" space. If I am bending over, she kicks me - like MOVE IT MOM! If my bladder is really full, she definitely hates that and does some jumping jacks on it - trying to tell it to move away! I want to tell her, look little girl ... my body parts were here first! Geez. haha. Her kicks are becoming stronger and stronger. I love feeling them! She has even gotten me up at night, because of the kicks! ha. (Funny for now, I guess. Maybe not so much later!) The other night while I was reading before bed, I had my bookmark laying on my stomach ... it started vibrating from her movements, then she kicked pretty hard a few times and it fell off of my stomach! haha. I was smiling the whole time!
I also got my blood taken this week - finally. I was supposed to do it almost two weeks ago now, but haven't had the time (or, to be honest, felt like it. ugh). My regular OBGYN said I could wait until I see her on for my 24th week date, but I figured I would go in at least a week early. I'm not sure how long it will take to get the results back? I hope I get some really good news and a lot of things are ruled out! Next week I also am going back to the doctor who gave me my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I am hoping the bright white spot in her stomach has gone away by then. That would definitely make the entire situation better. If it hasn't gone away - I am not sure what to think. I guess the blood results will help a little.
I have already started planning for my maternity leave next year. I need to get a lot done before then. Of course, about this time of year anyway, I am already planning and thinking about next year - just now I am doing a little more preparation. I think it will be good though. I really have to get things together for the sub, so I know everything will be really put together for me and I won't be stressing out over it while I am 9 months pregnant! I just need to get it done, then I can stop worrying! Luckily, my sister - Nikki - is staying the week with me (she's out of school for the summer) and has really been helping me out in my classroom. Getting things organized, copied, cleaned, etc. THANKS babe!
We had class pictures this week and the photographer actually asked me when I was due. I think this is the first "stranger" that has flat out asked if I was pregnant. Others go about in a weird way, just in case I just have a beer gut I guess. It was nice to know I for sure for sure look pregnant now - at least enough for people to ask me :)
At the end of this week (Friday), I was sitting with the laptop and felt her seriously nestle herself into my lower stomach on my left side. I look down and you could see a huge lump! I felt it, and I could feel a little ball - maybe her butt? I was totally creeped out. That was crazy! I made Jesse come feel, and he was able to - just before she moved. I also got a quick picture. Can you tell how lop sided my tummy is?

We also bought something new ... (on sale at Target for $10.)
It's crazy to put on...but I think we'll get used to it. It should come in pretty handy!
My mom also got us this super cute outfit:
(so maybe the name we're thinking of starts with the letter "M" haha)
Our little girl:
She can now sense movement and even feel if I am dancing. She is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over one pound! Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. The sounds she is hearing is preparing her for the outside world - loud noises (like m yelling at my students. ha) probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.
Thanks babycenter.com
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