Monday, June 21, 2010

24 weeks...


This week my heartburn kind of decreased, which has been really nice! I can sleep much better at night and am not so miserable during the day! WoOo! Please last!

This week was also the first week when some random person (a worker at Jiffy Lube) asked when I was due. :) This makes me feel good - I don't look weird and fat I guess anymore, for sure. WoO!

This little girl has been crazier and crazier! Her kicks are harder, but also now I can feel her "dragging" herself around my tummy. I can feel things poking out and running along the side. Crazy feeling, for sure. I love it though. No matter what I am doing, I have to stop and admire. It's a truly amazing thing. Seriously, my body is creating a life in there. So amazing. Thanks for making me smile all day baby Bonzo! Just please stop punching my bladder. :)
Her kicks have been so hard, that I have tried to get others to feel it (besides just me and Jesse). Some have felt it, but sometimes she stops RIGHT when they put their hand there. It's like she knows. haha. Now you can definitely see my tummy moving and shaking though, when she gets really crazy. It makes me laugh!

Our baby girl is getting bigger and bigger and bigger...
She's gained about 4 ounces since last week (about 1 pound 10 ounces!). She's also about a foot long now, but still very skinny. Her body is starting to fill out and plump up. Her brain is growing very quickly now, and her taste buds are developing. Her longs are also developing rapidly. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but will change in the next few weeks.

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