Monday, August 9, 2010

31 weeks...

We are starting to put the nursery together. We weren't sure if we were going to do it - because we are hoping to sell our house and move. But it looks like we'll definitely be here until the end of the year at least, SO we started putting some things together.
We put together the crib on Sunday. That was exciting. I need to fix up the changing table a little and then we'll put that together. Since we are using our "guest room" as her room - we had a bed in there that I was planning to take out and get rid of, BUT my sister pointed out that I wanted her to some stay with me for a week or so when the baby got here and she would still need a bed! SO we seriously are SHOVING this bed, the crib, the changing table and other stuff into this little room. It's crammed and making me crazy, but our little girl won't even be sleeping in the room for a few months or so - since I want to be breastfeeding and how much easier is it to just wake up and grab her out of the bassinet by the bed - instead of walking down the hall?! So once my sister leaves after the first week, we'll move that bed out of there and it will be much nicer!

What I really can't wait to do is wash all of her 0-3 month clothes and get them sorted and hung up/put into drawers and stuff. I plan on doing this all at once after the shower - and I need to get my special cloth diaper laundry detergent (really it's just eco friendly and with no dyes, scents, etc. So it's good for babies' sensitive skin). That will definitely be a relief once the clothes are done!

When Jesse was going to take my weekly picture - he snapped this of me. I think I'm telling the baby to be nice, since I remember she was acting crazy in there! :) I thought it was sweet; I had no idea he was taking it.

Something not so fun I did this week was slice my thumb open. If you look closely in the picture you can see my band-aid on. It doesn't do it justice! I was making the quilt for her bed (which I will post once it's all complete) and was using a rotary cutter. The blade was too tight in the cutter and it was sticking to the mat. I should have stopped and fixed it, but didn't. It got stuck, popped up, and f course I continued to press down like I was still cutting and sliced my thumb from the bottom straight to the top towards my nail. It wouldn't stop bleeding and it was bleeding a LOT - straight through about four layers of a wash cloth! I went banging on neighbors' doors and finally found someone to drive me to the ER. Unfortunately that cost me 300 dollars :( I was really upset about wasting so much money! But I'm glad I went, I had to get four nice big stitches down the front of my thumb. Exciting stuff. The neighbor that took me was such a sweet guy, I'm really glad he drove me and even stayed with me. Luckily there is no permanent damage - except I'm hoping a pretty cool scar :)

Our baby girl has been busy getting bigger and bigger:
She measures a little over 16 inches long and weighs over 3.5 pounds (at least she should, but she has been measuring a little bigger)! She has also been having hiccups a LOT lately. At least two or three times a day. Sometimes more! They are the only movements I can't stand. It's so rhythmic and repetitious. I hate noises and movements and everything like that! But I read about the hiccups, and they don't hurt her and they are perfectly normal - so I'm not worried - just a little annoyed! ha.

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