First, I had to switch out my wedding band set for my promise rings. Luckily, they are a little bigger, because my wedding band set was getting a little snug. I didn't want to do it, but Jesse insisted. I guess it's a good idea. I just miss them already!
I have been feeling more and more and more uncomfortable! It's no fun at all! She's gaining about half a pound a week right now and also half an inch! So she's getting pretty big in there and I am also getting bigger and more cramped! It's uncomfortable to sit, stand, lay, walk, ... do anything right now. I'm only expecting this to get worse, which scares me! Oh well, at least I know I am almost there - almost time to meet our little girl!!
I have also been crafty this week - getting some projects done that were on my mental "list" for her nursery ...
I made this mobile:
It is made from the gift bags I received at my shower. It was super tedious, but I love how it turned out! [idea from here]
I also made sewed these blankets:
A HUGE task I completed this week was washing all of the clothes we have for her!! I am so happy this is finally done, but wow this took forever! Luckily I even had some help - thank you Michelle and Roxanne for coming over for a few days and washing, folding, and sorting baby clothes with me!! I figured out I have a million 0-3 month and 3-6 month clothes. I also have a LOT of 6-9 month clothes, and a little 9-18 month clothes. I got four pretty large storage tubs (pink) to hold the clothes larger than 3 months, and bought this temporary "dresser" to store her 0-3 month clothes (since we're moving in three-ish months, I wanted to wait and buy a dresser that will fit into her new room once we are there).
Seriously, all of her clothes don't even fit into here! There top drawer is only PJs! the middle drawer is onsies, and the bottom drawer is pants and shirts and outfits. On the top is her blanket "sleeper" thingies. We also have jackets and dresses hanging in the closet! ALL 0-3 month! This girl is never wearing an outfit twice! haha.
I was also able to get her room a little put together, which is a relief ... here are some preliminary pictures, of course not everything is done - oh yeah and we're not changing out the paint on the wall, because what's the point since we're moving soon!
This is when you first walk in ...
This is on the wall that you can't see...
Here is a more up-close photo of them all ...

I just need to get a few more things done in her room, and we are almost there! Unfortunately of course, it won't really matter since she'll be sleeping in our room in a bassinet for a while. haha. Oh well, it's nice to have something almost complete!
AND we also got some new 3D photos of our gorgeous little girl. Thanks Whitnie for letting us come in! It's so exciting to have your friend do the scan for you - it makes it that much more special! Of course she was being super stubborn and wouldn't move her little hands away from her face, but we got come cute ones anyway ...
I love this one, because she is smiling! She kept smiling every time she heard her daddy's voice. Is that not the cutest thing ever?!
Her hands, covering her face. What a stinker!
I love this picture too. She is so precious. I can't wait to meet her!!
She's sucking on her lower lip. How cute!
This is so cool - you can see her opening her mouth and "breathing" in the fluid.
You can see her tongue and top gums!
Our baby girl:
She's about 4 pounds now and 16 3/4 inches long! It's crazy to think she'll about double her weight from now until she's born (about 7 more weeks)! She now has hardened toenails and fingernails and real hair!
tiny baby!