Friday, August 27, 2010

33 weeks ...

This week has been a really nice week, despite going back to work - meetings and trainings are not always my favorite, especially 3 whole days of it!

I bought lots of cotton material to make sheets! I didn't think I was going to make fitted sheets for the crib, but after seeing how expensive they are (even for plain solid colored ones) I decided to check it out. I am glad I did, because they are about the easiest thing I've made so far!
Here are some of the cute prints I bought ...

We went to Utah again this weekend, for Jesse's grandma's 80th birthday bash! Even though I didn't enjoy going up twice in a row (the car ride is too much for my poor body right now), I'm really glad we got to go. Here's Jesse and I at the cabin, you can't see the beautiful lake in the background, oh well...

Jesse has been extra cute lately. He talks to the baby more and more. It's funny, because I get privacy when I want to talk to her - so I can say whatever I want to her and it's probably super embarrassing if I did it in front of anyone, but Jesse HAS to do it in front of me, since she's kind of stuck with me. haha. So I love that I get to here the sweet things he says.

This little girl has been so very active this week. It's weird how much her movements have changed. Before it was hard fast kicks and punches and things like that, but now it's more of rolling or gliding movements. I love to feel her feet or whatever sticking out and moving around the side of my belly. The only time it starts to get painful is when she shoves herself really really low, it stretches out those muscles holding her up and it is very uncomfortable and painful. As long as she's not doing that, I LOVE the movements!!

Cravings are back. Is this weird or what? I feel like I'm back in the first trimester again - peeing every 5 minutes and craving foods. Luckily it's minus the nausea! Everyday is something different, like the first trimester too, one day I'll REALLY want a certain restaurant's food and I just HAVE to go there for dinner. Or SWEETS, especially sweets! I'll think or something, or see it, and not be able to get it off of my mind. My stomach will hurt for it until I get it. I'm hoping this goes away soon, so I have some self control! ha.

Our little girl:
She weighs over 4 pounds now and has grown to over 17 inches long! She is losing the wrinkled, alien look and gaining lots of body fat. Her skeleton is hardening, although her skull isn't fused together - which allows it to overlap and distort itself to fit through the birthing canal.

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