Monday, March 29, 2010

12 Weeks...

Weight: 118 (+0)

! I am officially out of school and work this week! WoOo! What a lot of stress taken away! yay!
However, early this week Jesse's grandfather, Marlon, passed away. His funeral was on Friday. We went up to Cedar City, Utah Thursday night and stayed a little longer than planned, but came home Saturday night. It was a great service and we were very lucky to have seen him just a week before he passed.

Besides all of that, nothing has really changed with me...
I still get hungry like a maniac ALL of the time, and if I am super hungry and don't satisfy it - I get nauseous still. Although, a lot of smells and food aversions have gone down. I can't wait until all of those go away. If I am going to be hungry all of the time - can't EVERYTHING just sound good to eat? Please?
I also went out and bought a new bra - up a whole cup size! Wow. Can they stay this way forever? :)
Also, my dehydration has gone down, but this worries me. I am worried because if my body is not craving it, I am not good at drinking it! I have been trying, trust me, but if I drink too much at one time I feel nauseous. Too much at one time can be just a few gulps too. Ugh. I'm still trying to get two liters in everyday - either plain water, juice, or tea.
Constipation has decreased too. Jesse got me some meds - yay! And I have been drinking a glass of Apple Juice every night. This has really helped. One less thing to worry about! yay!

What our baby has been up to this week...
Our baby is about 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs only half an ounce. Biggest change this week: Reflexes! Our baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, toes will curl, eye muscles will clench, and the mouth will begin making sucking movements. If I poke at my tummy, my baby will squirm around in response (although I still can't feel anything). Our baby's intestines will start to move into the abdominal cavity and the kidneys will being to excrete urine into the bladder. Our baby's brain continues to work magic as well - nerve cells are multiplying rapidly and synapses are forming as well. Our baby's eyes have moved from the sides to the front now, looking more and more human! :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

11 Weeks...

Weight: 118 (+1)

This week I have been more worried than normal - like losing sleep type of worry.
Symptoms have been down, waaay down. Although nausea came back pretty nicely this week (ugh), everything else is almost gone. This of course, makes me worried, not happy!

Symptoms I still have:
- Constipation. horrible.
- Severe hungryness. All day.
- Smell/Food aversions.
- Dehydrated/thirsty. Always.

New ones:
- Cramping. This went away all of the way a few weeks ago, now it is back. Very light, but VERY worrisome. Hopefully it is just the baby growing - health and happy!

I had a dream on Tuesday night about another little girl (I really hope all of these dreams come true!). She was so happy and healthy. Jesse is such a great father - he took care of everything and had everything ready while I was rushing out the door to work to take her to the daycare. Jesse had already taken her and gotten everything together. How awesome is he? Even though this is just a dream, I know he is going to be such an awesome daddy. I am so excited to see it!

**I have told a few more people this week at work. I am excited to tell EVERYONE, but I just want to hear our baby bean's sweet heartbeat one more time and then I will tell the entire WORLD! :)

Our baby...
Is about 1.5 inches long, and is almost fully formed! The hands will soon be able to open and close into fists, tiny teeth are growing under the gums, and some of the bones are hardening under the skin. Our baby is kicking and stretching around in there, even though I still don't think I can feel anything (although at times, I wonder if those movements down there are "her"). Our baby is also hiccupping in there - because the diaphragm is forming. Very cool, right?

Monday, March 15, 2010

10 weeks...

Weight: 117 (-1)

I started out this week SUPER sick. Really? On top of every other symptom, I am now even MORE dehydrated (I guess it was possible!), stuffy head, runny nose, sore/draining throat, more nausea (due to the drainage), and fever.

This is truly miserable. In two years I have never called in sick, mainly because I rarely am - but today I went in, spoke with my boss (actually told her the news about the baby too - more sympathy, please? hehe), called in a sub., waited for her to get there, made sub plans and got everything ready, then left.
I am at home now, still feeling horrible, even after a nap, more medicine (Tylenol isn't the best! But it's all I can take! argh), and a shower!
I keep sneezing - which is like a cough sneeze - and it hurts so much. It hurts my throat and hurts even my abdomen like I am crunching my uterus. I try not to bend when I sneeze, because when I do this really really sharp pain runs through my uterus area, and lasts for a few seconds. That can't be good.
Wishing I was feeling better, good thoughts please! Thanks!

On Wednesday I started to feel a little better, hopefully things will continue to clear up and be good by the end of the week. I hate being so miserable!

Some things I have noticed this week about me:
- hardening: I have been feeling hardening under the skin, about 2.5 inches down from my bellybutton. You can actually feel the outlining of the growing uterus. I thought I could feel it last week, but maybe I was being crazy, but after my doctor appointment last week I am sure that's what it is. I have been having all of my family feel it. ha. Super cool.
- watery: I have been having a "watery" "full-stomach" feeling in my uterus. When I run or jog I can feel the water in there slushing around. How creepy? That means my baby is doing the same thing, floating around in there. Weird to think about!
- Symptoms going away: many of my symptoms have been going away this week. I am okay at the grocery store with all of the smells (for the most part), I don't need to eat FIRST THING in the morning, I can wait until I get out of bed and get dressed before I have to eat (before I had to drink a "slim-fast" type thing in bed, before I even moved, otherwise I would feel so super nauseous and have to just sit by the toilet). My boobs have pretty much stopped hurting (unless bumped or touched). I am also getting a little more energy (although, now that I am sick it has gone away again).
- constipated: This is miserable! Ugh. Really? Embarrassing too!

What our baby has been up to this week:
Our baby is a little over an inch long. Most of the critical portion of the development has been completed (yay!). Our baby is swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm (even thought I can't feel it yet). Tiny nails are forming on the fingers and toes and no more webbing of the hands and feet. Even fuzzy hair is starting to grow (is it red???). Our baby's head is bulging, because of the developing brain.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment!!

Baby Bonzo Bean!

This picture is actually upside down, since our baby is in there COMPLETELY upside down. ha. But can you see everything? You can even see facial features (kind of looking down), elbows, hands, tummy, feet. I think you can even see the umbilical cord kind of next to the feet coming from the placenta. Weird.

Today we had our first doctor's appointment, I could think of nothing else all day!
Jesse got off work a little early so we could go together. We waited about 45 minutes, before even speaking to the doctor (I'm such an impatient person)! But it was all worth it...

I got some fun things done - like 4 huge vials taken of blood, annual pap, and then the good stuff - we got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat!!

She said everything looks great. Our baby is measuring about 9weeks 1day [2.5cm] (I was about 3 days off). The heartbeat is super strong, about 160 beats/per/minute. Official due date: 10/10/10. WoOoWhOoo!

I think this finally made it all seem real for Jesse. Of course, for me, since I was sick, the reality came faster, but actually SEEING and HEARING the baby helped both of us. It is truly amazing.

Hurry up Baby Bonzo! We can't wait to meet you!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

9 weeks...

Weight: 118 (+1)

I am feeling better, then worse, then better on an hourly basis.
Luckily, still just nausea, not actual throwing up (although it got quit close a few times)!

I am getting more and more excited about everything. We have been looking at baby items in the stores - high chairs, bassinets, crib sheets, decor, clothes, and the cutest little shoes. So much fun! I have even found a few sewing patterns I want to try out for the baby's crib blanket. I am thinking of MONKEYS as the theme. Like Bonzo, the monkey ("Bed Time for Bonzo" with Ronald Regean, look it up if you're not sure). My students all know I LOVE monkeys and they constantly bring my monkey things! I think they will be super cute. It can go either way, boy or girl. The main colors will be tan and brown and a little yellow - then we can throw pink and blue in there too.

We already have a car seat, really nice stroller, play pin, and some toys (my mom/step dad got these for us for free from the "baby convention" they worked a few months ago - when we told them we were going to start trying). They are all brown too. Perfect.

My doctor appointment is Thursday so I will update once we are out of there. I am sooo very nervous, but sooo very excited at the same time. I hope to hear really good news and see our beautiful baby and hear the heartbeat.

I have also noticed that my tummy is getting "hard" a few inches below the belly button. If i press lightly I can feel kind of the barriers of the uterus. It is a strange feeling. I made Jesse feel it, but obviously he doesn't know my body as well as I do - so I don't think it's as obvious to him. But how cool is that? Our little bean is in there somewhere!!

DREAM: Wednesday I had a dream about a little baby boy that Jesse and I were playing with. He was so cute and chubby. I remember staring at his toes and feet. The cutest little things ever.
So my dream count is: 2 for girls, 1 for boys. Now I have no clue!

What our baby is up to:
Our baby is about an inch long (the size of a grape) and weighs a fraction of an ounce. The organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. The eyes are fully formed, but the eyelids are fused shut and won't open until week 27. Now that our baby's basic physiology is in place, he/she is poised for rapid weight gain.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

8 weeks...

Horrible picture, sorry. But wow, look at that belly! (bloating?)
Weight: 117 (+1)

During this eighth week a few things have changed:

- Boobs. My boobs hurt more and more lately.

- EXHAUSTED. I have been so very tired. Napping, daily. I don't like taking naps, but it's the only thing that keeps me feeling semi-decent towards the end of the day.

- Hungry. All of the time. Again, if I am not eating constantly, I feel nauseous. Although my nausea has gone down a lot since last week.

- Still thirsty. I notice the more I drink the better I feel all around (exhaustion simmers down, no cramping, nausea almost goes away). If only drinking so much water didn't mean peeing all day at work. That's tough, when I can't leave at any time.

- EMOTIONAL. So very emotional. I am trying not to cry, like all day.

- Back pain. Not sure if this is due to the pregnancy or not, but my lower back is hurting off and on, like I need a good adjustment or something. Luckily my chiropractor appointment is coming up!

My dream this week: Again, of a girl. She had dark hair and at first was a tiny baby and then quickly grew into a toddler I was fighting with about eating her food. Funny.

My little sister said she has had a dream I was having a boy. So three girl dreams for me, one boy dream for her. I guess we'll see. We have a 50% chance of being right. ha.

Our baby is also changing rapidly:
Our baby is now 5/8 of an inch long (about twice as large from last week). Our baby has webbed fingers and toes, eyelids that are practically covering the eyes, breathing tubes are extending from the throat to the developing lungs, the "tail" is almost gone. In our baby's brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another.
- via

Jesse was totally excited when I told him our baby's tail is almost gone. haha.

Next week - our first doctors appointment. YAY! We get to hear the heartbeat AND I will have a picture to post of our beautiful baby bean!