Wednesday, March 10, 2010

9 weeks...

Weight: 118 (+1)

I am feeling better, then worse, then better on an hourly basis.
Luckily, still just nausea, not actual throwing up (although it got quit close a few times)!

I am getting more and more excited about everything. We have been looking at baby items in the stores - high chairs, bassinets, crib sheets, decor, clothes, and the cutest little shoes. So much fun! I have even found a few sewing patterns I want to try out for the baby's crib blanket. I am thinking of MONKEYS as the theme. Like Bonzo, the monkey ("Bed Time for Bonzo" with Ronald Regean, look it up if you're not sure). My students all know I LOVE monkeys and they constantly bring my monkey things! I think they will be super cute. It can go either way, boy or girl. The main colors will be tan and brown and a little yellow - then we can throw pink and blue in there too.

We already have a car seat, really nice stroller, play pin, and some toys (my mom/step dad got these for us for free from the "baby convention" they worked a few months ago - when we told them we were going to start trying). They are all brown too. Perfect.

My doctor appointment is Thursday so I will update once we are out of there. I am sooo very nervous, but sooo very excited at the same time. I hope to hear really good news and see our beautiful baby and hear the heartbeat.

I have also noticed that my tummy is getting "hard" a few inches below the belly button. If i press lightly I can feel kind of the barriers of the uterus. It is a strange feeling. I made Jesse feel it, but obviously he doesn't know my body as well as I do - so I don't think it's as obvious to him. But how cool is that? Our little bean is in there somewhere!!

DREAM: Wednesday I had a dream about a little baby boy that Jesse and I were playing with. He was so cute and chubby. I remember staring at his toes and feet. The cutest little things ever.
So my dream count is: 2 for girls, 1 for boys. Now I have no clue!

What our baby is up to:
Our baby is about an inch long (the size of a grape) and weighs a fraction of an ounce. The organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. The eyes are fully formed, but the eyelids are fused shut and won't open until week 27. Now that our baby's basic physiology is in place, he/she is poised for rapid weight gain.

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