Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment!!

Baby Bonzo Bean!

This picture is actually upside down, since our baby is in there COMPLETELY upside down. ha. But can you see everything? You can even see facial features (kind of looking down), elbows, hands, tummy, feet. I think you can even see the umbilical cord kind of next to the feet coming from the placenta. Weird.

Today we had our first doctor's appointment, I could think of nothing else all day!
Jesse got off work a little early so we could go together. We waited about 45 minutes, before even speaking to the doctor (I'm such an impatient person)! But it was all worth it...

I got some fun things done - like 4 huge vials taken of blood, annual pap, and then the good stuff - we got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat!!

She said everything looks great. Our baby is measuring about 9weeks 1day [2.5cm] (I was about 3 days off). The heartbeat is super strong, about 160 beats/per/minute. Official due date: 10/10/10. WoOoWhOoo!

I think this finally made it all seem real for Jesse. Of course, for me, since I was sick, the reality came faster, but actually SEEING and HEARING the baby helped both of us. It is truly amazing.

Hurry up Baby Bonzo! We can't wait to meet you!!!

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