Wednesday, March 24, 2010

11 Weeks...

Weight: 118 (+1)

This week I have been more worried than normal - like losing sleep type of worry.
Symptoms have been down, waaay down. Although nausea came back pretty nicely this week (ugh), everything else is almost gone. This of course, makes me worried, not happy!

Symptoms I still have:
- Constipation. horrible.
- Severe hungryness. All day.
- Smell/Food aversions.
- Dehydrated/thirsty. Always.

New ones:
- Cramping. This went away all of the way a few weeks ago, now it is back. Very light, but VERY worrisome. Hopefully it is just the baby growing - health and happy!

I had a dream on Tuesday night about another little girl (I really hope all of these dreams come true!). She was so happy and healthy. Jesse is such a great father - he took care of everything and had everything ready while I was rushing out the door to work to take her to the daycare. Jesse had already taken her and gotten everything together. How awesome is he? Even though this is just a dream, I know he is going to be such an awesome daddy. I am so excited to see it!

**I have told a few more people this week at work. I am excited to tell EVERYONE, but I just want to hear our baby bean's sweet heartbeat one more time and then I will tell the entire WORLD! :)

Our baby...
Is about 1.5 inches long, and is almost fully formed! The hands will soon be able to open and close into fists, tiny teeth are growing under the gums, and some of the bones are hardening under the skin. Our baby is kicking and stretching around in there, even though I still don't think I can feel anything (although at times, I wonder if those movements down there are "her"). Our baby is also hiccupping in there - because the diaphragm is forming. Very cool, right?

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