Monday, March 29, 2010

12 Weeks...

Weight: 118 (+0)

! I am officially out of school and work this week! WoOo! What a lot of stress taken away! yay!
However, early this week Jesse's grandfather, Marlon, passed away. His funeral was on Friday. We went up to Cedar City, Utah Thursday night and stayed a little longer than planned, but came home Saturday night. It was a great service and we were very lucky to have seen him just a week before he passed.

Besides all of that, nothing has really changed with me...
I still get hungry like a maniac ALL of the time, and if I am super hungry and don't satisfy it - I get nauseous still. Although, a lot of smells and food aversions have gone down. I can't wait until all of those go away. If I am going to be hungry all of the time - can't EVERYTHING just sound good to eat? Please?
I also went out and bought a new bra - up a whole cup size! Wow. Can they stay this way forever? :)
Also, my dehydration has gone down, but this worries me. I am worried because if my body is not craving it, I am not good at drinking it! I have been trying, trust me, but if I drink too much at one time I feel nauseous. Too much at one time can be just a few gulps too. Ugh. I'm still trying to get two liters in everyday - either plain water, juice, or tea.
Constipation has decreased too. Jesse got me some meds - yay! And I have been drinking a glass of Apple Juice every night. This has really helped. One less thing to worry about! yay!

What our baby has been up to this week...
Our baby is about 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs only half an ounce. Biggest change this week: Reflexes! Our baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, toes will curl, eye muscles will clench, and the mouth will begin making sucking movements. If I poke at my tummy, my baby will squirm around in response (although I still can't feel anything). Our baby's intestines will start to move into the abdominal cavity and the kidneys will being to excrete urine into the bladder. Our baby's brain continues to work magic as well - nerve cells are multiplying rapidly and synapses are forming as well. Our baby's eyes have moved from the sides to the front now, looking more and more human! :)

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