Monday, March 15, 2010

10 weeks...

Weight: 117 (-1)

I started out this week SUPER sick. Really? On top of every other symptom, I am now even MORE dehydrated (I guess it was possible!), stuffy head, runny nose, sore/draining throat, more nausea (due to the drainage), and fever.

This is truly miserable. In two years I have never called in sick, mainly because I rarely am - but today I went in, spoke with my boss (actually told her the news about the baby too - more sympathy, please? hehe), called in a sub., waited for her to get there, made sub plans and got everything ready, then left.
I am at home now, still feeling horrible, even after a nap, more medicine (Tylenol isn't the best! But it's all I can take! argh), and a shower!
I keep sneezing - which is like a cough sneeze - and it hurts so much. It hurts my throat and hurts even my abdomen like I am crunching my uterus. I try not to bend when I sneeze, because when I do this really really sharp pain runs through my uterus area, and lasts for a few seconds. That can't be good.
Wishing I was feeling better, good thoughts please! Thanks!

On Wednesday I started to feel a little better, hopefully things will continue to clear up and be good by the end of the week. I hate being so miserable!

Some things I have noticed this week about me:
- hardening: I have been feeling hardening under the skin, about 2.5 inches down from my bellybutton. You can actually feel the outlining of the growing uterus. I thought I could feel it last week, but maybe I was being crazy, but after my doctor appointment last week I am sure that's what it is. I have been having all of my family feel it. ha. Super cool.
- watery: I have been having a "watery" "full-stomach" feeling in my uterus. When I run or jog I can feel the water in there slushing around. How creepy? That means my baby is doing the same thing, floating around in there. Weird to think about!
- Symptoms going away: many of my symptoms have been going away this week. I am okay at the grocery store with all of the smells (for the most part), I don't need to eat FIRST THING in the morning, I can wait until I get out of bed and get dressed before I have to eat (before I had to drink a "slim-fast" type thing in bed, before I even moved, otherwise I would feel so super nauseous and have to just sit by the toilet). My boobs have pretty much stopped hurting (unless bumped or touched). I am also getting a little more energy (although, now that I am sick it has gone away again).
- constipated: This is miserable! Ugh. Really? Embarrassing too!

What our baby has been up to this week:
Our baby is a little over an inch long. Most of the critical portion of the development has been completed (yay!). Our baby is swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm (even thought I can't feel it yet). Tiny nails are forming on the fingers and toes and no more webbing of the hands and feet. Even fuzzy hair is starting to grow (is it red???). Our baby's head is bulging, because of the developing brain.

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