Just pass he half way mark! WoOooOo!
This week I have definitely noticed that I am getting a lot bigger - even day by day!
Her kicks have been much stronger lately too. I am loving them! Even when she kicks my colon - weirdest feeling EVER! haha.
Heartburn has gotten worse and worse. It's an all day thing now. My fix is milk, since Tums don't usually work that long and milk works right away. BUT drinking more milk means I need to be eating more fiber so I don't get super constipated. Awesome.
This week we also "registered" at some places - but just a 'fake' registry, because we had some offers for those places that if we signed up for a registry we would get a gift card. So why not!? ha. BUT after doing that, and really looking at things and prices - it freaked me out. Luckily we have a lot of the big stuff already (crib, stroller, pack n play, clothes, changing table, & car seat), but we are in need of SO much more. I have a huge list going, of course, and searching on Craig's List for the things I want that I don't mind used - swing, bouncer, glider/rocking chair, etc. Although, some things I would not buy used - crib mattress, breast pump, changing table pad, crib sheets, bath/first aid necessities, etc. So I'll have to look for deals for those at the stores. I know we'll get it all together - it's just so over whelming!
Our baby girl has been dong lots of work too:
She now weighs about .8pounds and is about 10.5 inches long. Her kicking will continue to get stronger as she gets stronger and bigger. Her eyebrows and eye lids are present now, and since we are having a girl - her genitals are now beginning to form on the outside as well.