This week I am finally getting a little more of my energy back. Little by little! BUT I have been getting shaky and light headed very easily. It doesn't take much, sometimes just some walking...and then BAM I feel like I am having an anxiety attack or something. My heart beats really fast, my hands and legs get shaky, and my head starts spinning and ringing. It's not a good thing. Luckily, even though this lasts all day, it winds down after about 11am (since I'm at work at 7am). But the first few hours of work, are totally hell. The rest of the day, as long as I am not over doing it (such as bending down or walking up steps. haha), the dizzyness kind of goes away.
ALSO - this weekend we flew to Reno for my sister-in-law's graduation from UNR. It was a very short trip, up Friday night & back Saturday night. We had a lot of fun though! Throughout the ceremony I looked through the graduation program and searched every single middle name - since we're still trying to decide?! None of them stood out, dang it!
On the way home Saturday night I definitely kept feeling the baby kick. Before it was just little movements I felt, nothing like "kicking." This has to be kicking though. I kept feeling it Sunday too. It was awesome. Unfortunately, every time I felt it & tried to get Jesse to feel it - but whenever he put his hand there she stopped! Dang it! I can't wait for him to feel it, it is pretty amazing!
What our baby girl has been up to this week:
She is now about 5.5 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces (almost half a pound)! She can now flex her arms and legs (she sure can, I can feel them!!). Her ears are in their final position, although they're still standing out from her head a bit. A protective cover is forming around her nerves - and will continue to form throughout her first year of life too. Her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place.
Thanks Babycenter.com
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