Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fourth Doctor's Visit (20 weeks)

This week I went to the doctor's office twice. Once to my regular OBGYN for my regular monthly check up, and once to a specialist for my 20 week anatomy ultrasound.

Doctor's visit #1: Again, had to wait over an HOUR to see the doctor for about 5 minutes. What a bummer! We listened to the heartbeat and she told me I will be doing some blood work and tests during my 28 week appointment (yay?). I am up to 126 pounds. Which means I am up about 10 pounds total now. 5 pounds from my last visit four weeks ago. Which is good, a pound a week is what I should be putting on. BUT she also said my urine came back with white cells in it - which may indicate an infection. She said she would call me with more information later. I'm still on my antibiotics, and I take them every day! So I am not sure how I could b getting another infection?! Ugh!

Doctor's visit #2: My regular OBGYN sent me to a specialist for this ultrasound. Maybe they have better equipment or something? Not sure. Luckily, I didn't have to wait at all! That is awesome! haha. The ultrasound tech did the scan for me, she explained some things as she went along - but I knew I would disappointed compared to how Whitnie scans me. Oh well, we're just spoiled now! I loved seeing the baby - she changes so much each time. It's just amazing! She is so much bigger now and shows up really well during the scan! My dad got to come along with me and Jesse, so that was really cool for him! yay!
Our little girl measures just fine and it looks like everything is where it should be and working properly, expect for one thing. She has a small "bright spot" in her stomach (which they think is a calcium build up). The doctor came in after the scan and scanned me for another minute to look at it and explain. She said she's not sure what it is or how it will affect the baby, they mainly see these bright spots in the brain and liver and there are multiple spots, not just one. Those cases are bad and result in mental retardation and loss of function in the liver and things. However, she said that is not the case in my situation - she said it's probably nothing to worry about (yeah right, I was already in tears by then! ugh!). She scheduled a ton of blood work for next week to rule out some possibilities (hopefully) and I go back to see her in four weeks to see if maybe it has even gone away (she says these things don't get bigger or multiply, but may go away). Jesse looked it up and only found good news - everyone we read about who has seen this said their child was fine. He also looked up some studies and they also said it was fine. So I am going off of that and will only worry a little. (maybe). Luckily everything else looks great and she seems to be a healthy and VERY active little girl! Yay for us!

Here are the pictures we got from the scan...
Thumbs up! How rad is this girl? :)

Always a favorite - the profile!

Her leg. She was even tapping her foot!!

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