Again, nothing too much has changed this week. However, I have another project going on. Hair bows!! I have been having a lot of fun making these (except the burned fingers, I'm not too safe with the hot glue gun apparently)!!
I turned these:
Into these:

Each flower has a small "alligator clip" glued to the back of it. These can either be attached directly to the hair (the smaller flowers) OR, especially for the larger flowers, clipped on to these head bands:

I bought 20 plain headbands from ebay for NINE dollars! I chose a ton of cool colors. I'm so excited! I am making a lot of them - some for me, but a lot as gifts. How fun! I can't wait to see our little girl in these! She's going to be so stylish! haha :)
Now I just need to make something like this:

Photo from here.
This week (Saturday) we went to Lake Havasu. Here's our baby soaking up the sun! :) [Don't worry, I wore a ton of sun screen and drank a lot of water!]

Sorry this image isn't the best quality - forgot my camera and only had my phone!
Here's my belly in my swimsuit. So far I haven't gotten a maternity one...
This week has been a busy week for her too ...
She weighs 13 ounces now (0.8 pounds)! She's also about 6.5 inches from head to bottom, although now she's being measure from head to toe and is about 10 inches long! She is swallowing fluid a lot now, which is good practice for her digestive system. She is also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in her bowels, and we'll find it in her first soiled diaper (yay! hah).
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