Friday, September 17, 2010

36 weeks...

This week Jesse and I have seriously been thinking about names. Well we've been thinking about names since week FIFTEEN (21 weeks, 5+ months, ago!) when we found out she was a she, but haven't quite figured it out yet. It's not that we can't agree (although I like some, he doesn't - and visa versa), but we come up with a lot of names, and can't find middle names to go with them! OR we think of a name, like it for a day, then change our minds. It's getting really annoying! This little girl needs a name!! So we've really been wracking our brains and coming up with some. We have a few combinations to go with, so at least with that we can take it to the hospital and once we see her - maybe it will click? We'll see!

We've also picked our Halloween costumes! Searching for a costume that would be tiny enough for her was really difficult! Most things say 0-3 months, and they really mean 3 months. They are HUGE! So we found this "newborn" pumpkin outfit, oh-so-cute. Jesse and I will be farmers - like farmers of a pumpkin patch. :) It'll be cute. Ours will be easy, and she'll be so dang cute! We also got a onsie with "My First Halloween" to wear underneath the pumpkin outfit. I can't wait to see her in it!! How exciting!

She has been moving around a lot lately - little slow moves usually. Kind of seems like she's just adjusting herself. I'm hoping she's getting REALLY uncomfortable in there - so she'll be happy to come out a little early! :) Come on baby!

We also found her going-home outfit. Super cute! I cant wait to see her in this little dress with little dress shoes and a little headband/flower. Awww!

AND I am officially pre-registered at Mountain View Hospital for labor and delivery. At the tour we took, they said to do this so when we come in for labor all we have to do is go to the third floor, they can look up our name in the system, and then get us a room. We don't have to wait around and sign paperwork and blah blah. So it seemed like a good idea! Yay!

I feel like we are almost there - everything is pretty much in place. BUT we still have a few major things to get done in the next week (at the latest) - install car seat/car seat bases into cars, call pediatricians (man I have been putting this one off!!), and CHOOSE A NAME. So the list is short, but all very important. We'll get it done!

Oh and I have been on a crocheting/sewing thing again. I finished sewing all of her changing pad covers - YAY! I have also crocheted a ton more beanies and flowers for her. So cute! I also sewed another "rag quilt" for my friend Shayann's baby boy. I finally found the right material - I was looking forever! I lover how the colors go together. I hope she likes it! Can't wait to see her cute baby in it!! :)

Our baby girl...
Still packing on the pounds, at about an ounce a day! She weighs more than 6 pounds now and is more than 18.5 inches long! Her downy covering (tiny little hairs) are being shed as well as the vernix caseosa (the waxy substance protecting her skin from the fluid all of this time).

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