Thursday, September 23, 2010

Doctor's Appointment (37 weeks)

Today I actually got in and out of there within a HALF AN HOUR! Can you believe it? Wow! Much better than the usual hour+ just to SEE the doctor!

I got checked again today to see if I was dilated. Nope, still nothing. Bummer. This time it was a lot less uncomfortable though. Still bad, but at least I knew what to expect this time! geez!
She did say the baby is in the perfect position - head down, face down/sideways, and really really low. She said she could feel her head when she did the dilation exam. Crazy, right?
BUT she said since nothings really going on down there - I should expect anything this next week. My heart sank. Please little girl - decide to come next week!

I did gain FOUR pounds in a single week though. I asked her what she thought about this, since I had been doing so great until this last month. She said this four pounds especially is all water weight. She took one look at my feet, legs, and hands and rolled her eyes. She said "don't even look at the scale - it means nothing!" I hope she is right, because now I am four pounds over my target weight. Pretty disappointing!

On a good note she checked for a certain type of bacteria that women carry "down there" - it doesn't harm us and we probably never notice ... but it could harm the baby when the baby is birthed. If I did have the bacteria I would need IV antibiotics during labor, but YAY I don't have the bacteria. One less thing to worry about! :)

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