Friday, September 3, 2010

34 weeks...

Wow. I can't believe how close I am already! When people ask me how far I am - I'm almost to the point of just saying how far I have left, instead of how far I am. I'm so excited, but also super nervous! AhhHh!

This week was my first full week back to work, so far so good. My feet hurt sooooo bad by the end of the day, but really it's not been that bad. My back and legs and everything else still feel okay, and even though I'm pretty exhausted (more than usual) at the end of the day, I still feel pretty good while I'm at work. So I think, for the most part, it's going okay. I was worried I wouldn't be able to handle being on my feet all day and dealing with 30 nine-year-olds all day ... but my class is pretty amazing and I am really going to enjoy these next few weeks I have with them before I get to be home with my baby :)

Speaking of my feet hurting though - I wish I could wear more comfortable shoes, BUT my feet decided to start swelling like crazy starting last week! I hate the look and feel of it, it's so gross, not to mention super uncomfortable! I can only wear my sandals, which have basically flat, cardboard, soles! Not the most comfortable thing to be walking around in for 8 hours! Oh well, I'll live! I'm just trying to watch the sodium (I haven't bought pickles. bummer) and drink lots and lots of water!

This week we also SOLD OUR HOUSE. Nothing really to do with the baby, but I'm excited this has happened. That means she'll be born here, but we're planning on being out of here by the beginning of December - so I'll have about a month left of my maternity to get things ready at the new place. I am so happy to be out from under this house, BUT nervous for the next step of looking for a new place to live. I'm sure it will be a much better place - more room for this little girl :)

Oh and I have to mention - I am an emotional wreck! I cry, but usually can control myself. Unfortunately, right now I definitely can not. I cry at nothing and everything! Even while I'm crying I know it's nothing and I can't stop it - I just feel sad and feel like crying. What the heck? This makes me worried about postpartum depression, which I never really even thought about before. I'm not a depressed person, so why would it happen to me? But now I realize I basically have no control over my emotions, so anything is possible! I'm hoping this goes away soon - at least after the birth. Right now I can handle it, so as long as it doesn't get worse!

Our little baby girl:
She weighs about 5 pounds now (according to the ultrasound we got) and is almost 18 inches long. She continues to put on fat - to help her regulate her body temperature once she's born. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs continue to mature as well. Luckily, if she was to be born between 34-37 weeks, although she'd be considered premature, she'd do fine with usually only a few days in the hospital (that's a relief, just in case!).

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