Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Doctor's Appointment (36 weeks)

I have been going every two weeks to by OB/GYN, but after this appointment it will be every week. It's getting so close!

This appointment was pretty fun (umm, I'm totally being sarcastic!) ... first, I gained what I was supposed to gain (yay, not twice as much ... like last time! Which now makes my total weight gain 30 pounds), got in and out pretty quickly (instead of the normal hour - hour and a half routine), BUT had to be checked for a bacteria (harmless to me, but if I have it - it may be harmful to the baby during delivery) AND the worse part - having to be checked if I was dilated. Could that be one of the most uncomfortable things ever? Wow. Not looking forward to labor day when this happens like every hour. Whoa. I'll be doing that all over again next week at my next appointment too. Exciting! Oh geez!
And, just for the record, I'm not dilated at all - looks like this little girl is enjoying where she's at. Dang it!

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