Saturday, September 25, 2010

37 Weeks...

FULL TERM! I am officially full term this week! How exciting!!! Are you going to come next week baby? Maybe 10/01/10? On Friday? Maybe before the end of the month? That would be great! Please oh please!

This week has been pretty miserable.
Here is my "poor-me" list...

- swollen, nasty, huge feet and legs. Disgusting! Painful! NOT attractive!

- stretch marks. I haven't gotten ANY yet, until this week. Since the beginning of this week they have multiplied, gotten larger, and darker. They are also sore. Bummer.

- Peeing more and more. I'm ALWAYS in the bathroom.

- Feeling dumber and dumber. It's getting ridiculous how much I can't keep track of and how much long it takes me to do anything!

- No sleep. Between peeing every 30 minutes, my body going numb at night, being huge and uncomfortable, having difficulties breathing - I am sleeping less and less. Which makes the day so much worse!

- Stuffy nose and face. I can't breathe. It's hard to sleep or eat!

- Heartburn. Just gets worse and worse. It's all day now. I'm sleeping with FOUR pillows underneath my upper body to prop me up.

I could probably go on and on. But I won't. Man, I just want to be done. I want to meet this little girl, I want to not have to worry about work worries right now, I want to get labor "over-with" so I can stop thinking of horrible "what ifs," I want my normal body back (which I know won't be for a while). I just want to be done! Please oh please baby girl. Come any day now!!

Something I loved about this week ... Jesse. He's too cute. I think he's nervous and excited - but very excited. I love this ... "Bye I love you -- both." Makes me tear up. Love it.

Our little baby girl...
She weighs 6.5 pounds and measures a little over 19 inches. Since she is "full term" her lungs are most likely mature enough to fully adjust outside the womb.

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