Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 4

My baby is not feeling well. She has a stuffy/runny nose, sneezes, runny[er] poop, and isn't keeping her food down really well! It's been since last Friday, a few days now and nothing seems to be getting better. Luckily she isn't running a fever or anything serious like that. Because we went to visit Aunt Roxanne at her nanny job and one of the kids had a runny nose - then we found out on Monday that she was taken to the ER and given antibiotics for pneumonia ... I took Allison to the doctor's right away, just in case.

So our first "sick" doctor's visit ... November 1st. Not even four weeks old! Poor baby! The doctor said it's just a stuffy nose thing, nothing to worry about (thank goodness!) and it should clear up in 7-10 days. I did feel pretty proud of me and Jesse, because everything she suggested to do to help relieve symptoms, we were already doing (sleeping inclined, saline drops, using the nose sucker, humidifier, vicks in the humidifier, etc. etc.)! Yay for us! I hope it clears up soon though. She's one sad little baby! :(
By the way - she weighs NINE pounds now! Wow. Big girl!

This week has been fun with her, except at nights. From about 6-9 she is getting fussy. It's really weird. She'll scream when I try to feed her. When I say scream I really do mean SCREAM (it's the first I've ever heard this screaming)! But I know she's hungry and wants to eat, so I'm not sure what the problem is. We just have to try to calm her down an rock her and pat her back and all of that god stuff. Some of it works, but usually only for a few minutes until she's back crying again. Poor girl. What do we do? I feel horrible too, because Jesse gets home around 6pm and she's freaking out until we go to bed. So sad for him :( He helps out a lot though, and I don't know if I could do it without him. Thanks dad!

This week also included HALLOWEEN. We love our tiny little pumpkin so much ...

By the way ... we're pumpkin farmers ;)

We headed down to Town Square and thought we were going to go trick or treating - with my little sister Nikki and my other sister Roxanne - but decided against it once we realized how many people there were! So we went to yogurt land and got some yummy yogurt, walked around and mainly people watched. It was a lot of fun - until we decided to leave. We got there about 4, tried leaving around 6, finally parked at 8:00 (couldn't get out of the parking lot! There were THAT many people!!!), ate at 9:00, and finally left to drive home about 10pm when the parking lot was cleared out. Crazy, right? But we had a lot of fun showing off our little girl! :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poop. Wow.

This girl can poop. It's pretty hilarious! She just has lots of "wet farts" when she poops. They can be pretty serious and loud... even startling.

Today though, we would have never guessed...she can SHOOT poop out. Seriously. All over everything! Oh my!

Jesse and I are at the store getting a gift for a friend - I walked out to the car with Allison, because she was being fussy and it was time for her to eat. Well when we got out to the car she didn't want to eat. Sometimes she won't eat if her diaper is messy, so I started changing her in the back seat. I wiped her all up and went to grab the new diaper and she started pooping. I grabbed the wet diaper underneath her and put it over her butt to catch it. I thought she stopped and I went to grab the diaper again and she SHOT poop about two feet away, hit the car door, it splattered everywhere, and then dripped down the door all over the pavement. Seriously. It was like a HOSE spraying. Not kidding. It was a LOT of poop. Wow.

So I'm standing there - looking back and forth at her and the door and the seat full of poop. I was thinking "where do I start?" and wondering if I should cry or laugh. Then Jesse walks up right at that moment with a look on his face (priceless!) and says "Whaaaatt happened here?" very concerned and confused. Then I started laughing - "She pooped EVERYWHERE!!!" we both cracked up. I hadn't even put a new diaper on her yet. I was just shocked.

Best part - she was sound asleep. Yup. Didn't phase her at all!

I got her all cleaned up with a new diaper - and still had to feed her. Luckily Jesse's pretty much the best guy ever and he cleaned up the entire backseat and car door. The pavement kept it's baby poop. ha.

This will be a story for her first boyfriend. Sorry baby, it's just too good!

Week 1

I can't believe this week has gone by so quickly. It feels like I just got pregnant - blinked - now I have a one week old! Wow?!

This week has consisted of a LOT of learning. We are figuring out her, figuring out her needs, figuring out each others roles, figuring out schedules, etc. etc. Lots to learn, but I think we're doing a great job. We make a good team!

My mom spent the night the first two nights back from the hospital. It was really nice of her and made us feel more secure. She also cleaned our house! Amazing, I know! :)

On Friday, our first full day back from the hospital we had a TON of errands to run. We had to take her to her doctor, the lab to get blood taken, post office, back to the hospital, and my doctor's office. Holy cow! It was a lot of work and I was still very very sore. It was difficult for me to sit, get up, walk, and everything. BUT we did it and she was amazing through the entire thing. She's such a great baby!

Every day I feel better and better; it's nice to be able to roll over in bed and stuff now. Not everything hurts anymore, so that's good. I'm wondering how long it will be before I am 100% again? I go to my OB/GYN in 4-6 weeks for a follow up. Hopefully everything is healing right.

We have spent a LOT of time inside the house this week, mainly up in our bedroom. We usually didn't get out of there until 2pm. We were super tired, just sleeping in between feeding and changing her. We also had her sitting in front of the indirect sunlight through the window. She needed this because of our blood types - and how the mix may lead to jaundice for her. Her skin color got better and better as the week went by and she looks just fine! :)
To get out of the house we made random trips places - target, the park for a walk, a walk around our neighborhood, the car wash, etc. It felt good to get out of the house - as a family!

Some things we have noticed this week about our little girl...
* snoring
* smiling
* makes tons of faces
* sleeps a lot
* has Jesse's feet, lips, nose, and hands
* hair gets redder and redder
* great eater
* long nails (we're scared to cut!)

We are so very lucky and can't get enough of her.
I just want time to slow down a little bit.
I am really enjoying our family time. Having Jesse home to enjoy her with has been the best part. He is so sweet with her and you can tell she just loves him so much. He is such a great dad! I'm dreading having him return to work.

First hair wash!

Sleepy Burrito


Sunday, October 10, 2010

The rest of our hospital stay...

After her birth we stayed in the delivery room for about an hour until they took her to the nursery. Once they did that they took me to the recovery room. Jesse returned from the nursery a little while later while some video of her. Oh the cutest video! Everyone else came to say goodbye and Jesse and I were left alone for a little while. Just thinking WOW.

Here's the best video. Look how sweet it is that she stops crying when daddy touches her!

Do you hear her "kitten" cry? Soo cute!

I asked the nursery to bring her back to us when they were done and she was all ready. We couldn’t wait to have her come back!!

That night, we had a few more visitors - Aunt Michelle, Courtney, my mom and Aunt Nikki returned, and Uncle Chris and Krystel. Once they all left, by almost 10pm, we tried to keep her in our room and sleep a little before I had to feed her again. We couldn't sleep. Every move, every noise (or if there was no noise that worried us too), made us jump up. We sent her to the nursery and asked for them to bring her back in two hours so I could feed her. That worked out great. We got her back around 3:00am. Although, we had a horrible time waking her up enough to feed her. We were trying to wake her up – stroking her face, talking to her, but it didn’t work. I called the nurse in, because we knew she needed to eat! The nurse said you need to be rough – she rubbed her head, took off her hat and swaddle, burped her, teased her with a formula bottle, etc. Finally she was awake. WIDE awake. We were being too sweet. Ha. I fed her and then we sent her back to the nursery to get a little more sleep. By the time we sent her back it was 4:30am, the nurse said they usually send the babies back to the room at 5am, but she would see if they could keep her a little longer. Luckily they did, we got to sleep until about 6:30, when I had to feed her again. The sleep was nice, even though I was super hot and uncomfortable, both of us really needed it.

We had a few visitors in the morning – Jesse’s family. Uncle Zack and his girlfriend with her 18 month old. Zack also brought Jesse’s dad. Jesse’s dad was so excited to be there. He was so proud of Jesse. Jesse is just so great with Allison. It’s the sweetest thing in the world. I start to cry just thinking about it. Allison and I are the luckiest girls!

I felt well enough to take a shower while they were there. It felt really good to stand up (since I had been sitting in that bed since about 6am the previous day! Except to go to the bathroom a few times). After I got out of the shower the hospital photographer was there. She took some cute pictures, but mainly I was just watching her so I could copy the pictures :)

This is totally lame ... but here are the pictures she took (taken from here)...

We hung out in the room the rest of the day until we were released at 2:30pm. My doctor came in to release me, she said if the baby gets to leave I will leave, if not – I will stay too. I liked that, I wouldn’t want to go home without my baby! The pediatrician came in to check her, said that if she “passes” her biliruben (jaundice) test then we would all be able to go home! She would just need to see her the next day to keep a close eye on her. Allison needed a score lower than 8, when she was born her score was 3. The doctors were worried about jaundice because of Allison’s blood type and my blood type. At 12:30 they took blood and came back to let us know her score was a 5! WooOoo! We were going home! We started getting everything packed and ready to go, Jesse brought up the car seat, and we put all of our bags (the hospital gave us a ton of stuff!) in a wagon and walked out. I was so anxious to go home. Very nervous though. I can’t believe they just send you home with this precious thing. Just like that. “Okay you’re both healthy – bye.” Crazy!

On our way home!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Introducing ... Allison Juliette Bonzo

Here is the ENTIRE labor and delivery story. Warning - probably WAAAY too much information, more than you'd like to know, and may be super boring!
More pictures on another post - the fun post! :)

I woke up around 2:15 with bad cramping - thought my bladder was just really full so I went to the bathroom. While in the bathroom it eased up, so I thought I was okay. Then it started again and I realized I was having a contraction while it hurt. Which was different - since all of my other "contractions" didn't hurt at all before. I also had "bloody show." So I thought maybe this was it, but wasn't sure. I went and laid down in bed and checked the clock just in case. About 15 minutes later another one started. I tried waking Jesse while I was going through it - but he rolled over and said something aloud from his dream (it was pretty funny). I decided that I'd wait for one more before waking him up, I was worried about waking him up and getting him all nervous and excited for nothing. So after about 15 more minutes it happened again, this time a little stronger. I woke him up a little more forcefully this time, definitely NOT whispering his name! He woke up and I told him I was having painful contractions, not the regular ones I had been having a lot lately. He woke up pretty quickly this time :)

He got out the stop watch on his phone and we started timing the frequency of them (the start of one to the start of the next -- not the time in between). They were still about 15 minutes for the next 45 minutes (Jesse had to shave, just in case this was it. He didn't want to look like a bum. hahah. When I came to a contraction he would come over all foamed up and help me through it, then go back to shaving. ha). Then the frequency of he contractions went down to about 9-10 for a few times, then to 6-7 minutes, and by 5:00 they were very regularly coming at about 5 minutes for the past half hour. We decided to start getting out of the house and on our way to the hospital since things seemed to be picking up. We tried to follow the 4-1-1 rule. 4 minute frequency, 1 minute long contractions, for about 1 hour. We figured 5 minutes was close enough, and my contractions (from the very beginning!) were already about 2 minutes or more long. So these two minute contractions would only leave me about two minutes in between and another would come! We tried different positions to relieve the pain - it was best to kneel by the bed and put my head on the bed, grabbing anything and squeezing ... while Jesse squeezed my shoulders and reminded me how to breathe. Anyway, before we left, Jesse wanted to take a quick shower and I got ready to leave - using my two-three minutes in-between contractions wisely. :) We were out of the house by 5:30am.
While driving to the hospital, we continued to time the contractions - they were about 4 minutes now, so at least I knew things were continuing to progress. I was really hoping this was it and we weren't going to the hospital for no reason. Of course I have no idea how this is supposed to be, reading about it and going through it is two completely different things. So I was hoping we were right and this was it! Jesse got us to the hospital in about 15 minutes! It was great! We arrived about 5:45am.

Jesse dropped me off at the front and walked me into the lobby to sit down. Then he went back to park the car and grab the bags. I was nervous about having a contraction in the lobby, there were people there and I didn't want to look funny. ha. I had one, tried to cover my face and just breathe - not sure if anyone noticed? Oh well! Jesse and I went up to the third floor and over to labor and delivery. They immediately put me into a room (thank goodness for PREregistering a few weeks ago). Before the nurse (who I didn't really care for) checked my dilation she asked me ho wmuch pain I was in on a scale from 1-10 (of course WHILE I was going through a contraction!) I told her a 10, but I'm sure this isn't really a 10. She said "Yeah, you don't even know what a ten is yet!" Then she checked my dilation - said I was very thinned out and at about a 2 or 3. She said she would be leaving and a new shift would come in at about 7, in an hour. She would come in right before that and check me again - if something had changed (more dilated or more thinned out) then I would be admitted. She strapped me to all of the monitors and told me I had to stay in bed - which I was VERY bummed about since sitting down like that (kind of reclined) made my contractions SO much more unbearable. We stopped timing them, but I was having maybe one minute in between. They were quick!
Roxanne and my dad showed up sometime around this time. My sister got a speeding ticket on her way! What a dork!!
At 7:15 I was getting a little impatient - where was the nurse? I knew I had progressed and I needed them to verify it before I could request pain relief - my epidural!! I called a nurse in, they said they were still updating the new staff and would be in. How annoying, that stupid first nurse who I didn't like anyway, did not do what she said. I was supposed to be checked right before the new round came in! ugh! So I waited, at 7:30 I called them in again. SOMEONE CHECK ME. I didn't want to progress too much and miss my window for my epidural. I was in sooo much pain by then. There was no break in between my contractions (later when I was numb from my epidural, Jesse showed me the graph were my contractions were not stopping. They would, at times, flat line at "12" at the top because they were off the chart! Then my "relief" was them going down to a "6" for about 1 minute. I WAS AT A SIX WHEN I ARRIVED with my "10-scale" pain contractions at the beginning! Omg! No wonder I was soo miserable)! They said to wait a little while longer they would be in soon. AhhHhh! I also complained about the A/C. I was sweating to death. It was disgusting in there. The others were hot too, and the air was all of the way down! Gross!!
The entire time through these contractions Jesse was just amazing though. He reminded me how to breathe (very deep and slowly), said how proud he was and that I was doing great, and didn't take it personally when I was a little (okay, maybe a lot) short with him. Like when I yelled his breathe smelled like coffee (he had eaten a granola bar - not sure why this smelled like coffee to me) then he put in gum and I yelled it was too minty ... so he just tried to keep his face away from mine. Hard to do when my head is in his chest, but oh well. Soon the pain got so bad I didn't notice smells. He also didn't complain I was going to rip off his hand, tear his shirt off, or break his thumb. So that's good! While doing all of that to him, chewing on the blanket and grinding my teeth into it during contractions really helped too. Weird.
Finally the new nurse (who I liked MUCH MUCH better, thank goodness!!) came in at about 7:45. She checked me and I was at a 4. I was being admitted! This was it! NOW GET ME MY EPIDURAL! :) Oh no, not so fast! I had paperwork to fill out and questions to answer. SERIOUSLY? I was dying at this point with no relief in between. My sister, Roxanne, was reading off the paperwork to Jesse and I to answer. During the really painful "peak" of the contractions I was annoyed by it waved my hand in her face to get her to stop. She stopped. haha. I kept telling her to "shhhhh" as I breathed out. She finally said "AMY - it's to get you the pain meds faster. Let me finish!" That put some sense in my head and I tried to tune her out. For some reason the noise made my skin crawl and my head hurt, but I managed. We got the paperwork filled out, handed it in, again requested pain relief, and finally was moved to another room that had A/C at about 8 - woo!

When I got to the room I asked about the epidural again. She said "the doctor's not here, he'll be here in an hour." I let out a pretty big moan and told Jesse I would never make it! About 20 minutes later I said "Jesus, only 20 minutes? I still have 40 to go!" Jesse and Roxanne both looked at each other ... they told me the best news ever ... the nurse said HALF an hour, not an hour. WoOo! I could do 10 more minutes. Of course he didn't show up until 8:45, but he was there! Before he got there though, the nurse came in and said that the baby was telling her she was ready - since her heartbeat was dropping a little during my contractions (that I couldn't feel!!!) telling the nurse her head was really low and ready to go. She called my OB/GYN doctor and came back to tell me we would wait for the baby to descend a little more and then start pushing. We waited about 45 minutes (about 9:45), she came back in, checked my dilation (7cm) and broke my water. Funny story with that - she was up there breaking it and I said "Ooh that feels so good" then quickly realized how stupid and disgusting that sounded and added "because of the pressure, because the pressure is released." Idiot! Oh well.

After this, the epidural came! The epidural was SUPER PAINLESS. Before going into labor I was terrified by it - getting it, feeling the weird numbness, and recovering from it - but now that I was in this much pain, all I could think about was "hurry it up already!" He didn't have the right size gloves, so that took most of the time. UGH! He numbed me with the local anesthetic, which burned slightly, then went to work at the rest. I didn't feel a thing. I even asked Jesse, "is he doing it yet?" because I was so anxious to get it done. the hardest part was laying in the position they wanted me to - especially while I was going through contraction after contraction. They had me laying on my side (which was painful to get into) curled up with the nurse pushing my knees into my chest (picture how you do that with a huge, very low lying, belly!) and my hand on my knee pulling it even more into my tummy. I only had one hand free to squeeze Jesse with and it was difficult to breathe during the contractions. Yuck. The doctor said it would take about 15 minutes to take effect. He said I needed to turn over on my back, I kept trying but it was so hard I thought it was impossible with all of the pain. Finally he nicely said - if you don't, only your left side (since I was laying on that side) would be numb. I moved pretty fast after that. I had heard stories and didn't want that!!
It took about 25 minutes to really relieve all of the pain. I was in a much better mood immediately. I laid there and joked around, talked, and felt very little of the pain. I'm so glad I got the epidural. I labored for 7 hours without it, but the next 3 with it were amazing. I felt more in the moment - when I was in all of that pain I was out of it and angry and miserable and I couldn't concentrate on anything but trying to breathe through the pain!
My mom and younger sister Nikki got there right after the epidural (they missed the fun part. ha). The nurse came in and said we could start pushing her down while we waited for my OB/GYN to come. The nurse said she wanted to see how I could push being all numb, if I did a good job we wouldn't have to take away the epidural - so I would feel enough pain to know how to push. Man did I freakin push, hoping she would not have to take anything away! Luckily, she said I was doing a great job. She left and came back about 45 minutes later to continue pushing her down the birth canal to get ready for the doctor to deliver her. The pushing was painless, except my head felt like it was going to explode - since that's the only thing I felt. My mom and Jesse helped by holding my feet back while I pushed. In between contractions/pushing we talked - it was nice and calm. Thank goodness! I pushed her down enough and the nurse said "wow she has a lot of hair!!" I wanted to see! I was pretty adamant that I didn't want ANYONE, including me, to be watching down there while the baby was delivered. Who wants to watch your own surgery type thing? Gross! But when she said that. Oh man I wanted to see! She put the mirror there so I could watch - and I loved it. Her tiny tiny tiny little head did show a TON of hair! How cool!

My doctor got there right before 12 and I had one good contraction - three pushes - and her head was delivered. They sucked her nose/mouth out (she wasn't making any noise at first and I was so worried I tried looking but couldn't see - they had taken away the mirror at that point). But they said they had to clean her out before she took her first breath. Then she started crying (oh the sweetest sound) and I delivered the rest of her body. Immediately I started crying and could barely see through the tears. I felt so overwhelmed and so much love already. It was amazing. Because she had pooped inside, Jesse wasn't able to cut the cord and I wasn't able to hold her right away. They cleaned her off, sucked everything out of her throat and nostrils and put her under the warmer for a few minutes. I was getting all taken care of and just watched the baby through the busyness of all of the nurses. She was just the cutest thing from the first second. She was wide awake and screaming her head off. She made the cutest "kitten" noises - not regular screaming. She scored a 9 on her apgar (out of ten) and was very healthy! They wrapped her up and gave her to me. I was overjoyed. Wow. amazed. I just cried and cried. I couldn't get over her. Surreal! Too, too unreal. Jesse got to hold her and I couldn't get over that either. Just the sweetest picture ever. I want to keep it in my head forever. I love them both so much.
After a few people got to hold her (my big brother showed up - how cute was he holding this tiny baby?!), I nursed her. She was a pro! The lactation consultant came in right at that time and showed me how to hold her and stuff (I didn't know what I was doing, but Allison sure did). She nursed for a little, then they took her off to the nursery. They told "daddy" that he could come watch. Wow was he out of there fast - he grabbed the camera and left. No bye. hahaha. Too cute! Everyone else left too and tried to go see (but I guess they had her in a different spot and they couldn't see, only daddy was allowed in). I laid in bed, trying to soak it all in. Wow. Just Wow.

They moved me to the recovery room and Jesse showed back up. The baby was going to need to be under the lights to warm up for a while, then they would give her a bath. I requested that she be returned to us when she was done, so I could feed her again. We couldn't wait to have her back! At this point everyone else returned and said good bye. Just me and Jesse. Soaking it all in. Amazing.

AFTER the epidural. Definitely was NOT smiling before!

and ... here she is!!!

Cleaning her up

Right when they turned off the bright bright lights she opened her eyes!
She was SO alert!

SEVEN pounds. ONE ounce.




We love you baby girl.

39 Weeks ...

Well, this week was a short week, since Baby Bonzo decided to come this week!

This picture was taken as we walked out the door to go to the hospital at 5:00am. :)

I went to work on Monday and Tuesday. I really felt Tuesday would be my last day, I stayed pretty late at work cleaning and making sure everything was ready for my long term sub. Like nesting, but at work. ha. I'm sooo glad I did that. Maybe it was just wishful thinking that she'd come Wednesday, or I'd like to think I "just knew." (BUT I'm pretty sure it was just super wishful thinking!)

My pregnancy ended on Wednesday, October 6th at 12:04pm.

My labor and delivery story is next ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

38 weeks ...

[forgot to take a regular picture at home, but this picture works from this week]

So I seriously started this post saying "Yay, this little girl decided to come early!" when I started writing it at the beginning of this week - in hopes that would make it true. Well, obviously it didn't work. boo.

This week things have definitely gotten a little better though. I don't feel as miserable. Last week was just horrible. The swelling decided to go down (check out my doctor's appointment where I actually lost THREE pounds this week, because I had gained FOUR pounds the previous week from swelling up so much!), my heartburn has backed down again, I'm not as exhausted since I have been sleeping a little better due to the lack of heartburn and my body not falling sleep on me all night (I think because the swelling went down), and I am just so excited to meet this little girl so soon that none of the rest of the bad stuff is even mattering (is that a word? ha).

We bought a fancy camera this week. I can't wait to take pictures of her - doing everything. :) It's going to be so much fun. I'm thinking about taking a beginners photography class just to get some ideas and really be able to use my camera to the fullest. I'm so excited about it! I have also found really cool photo editing software - photoscape. It's SUPER easy to use with a TON of options. AND best of all, it's FREE! Search for it and download it for yourself. You'll love it!
So hurry up and come baby girl so I can practice taking pictures of your cute face!! yay.

We also bought a few more things for our cloth diaper stash. I know it's going to be a lot of trial and error so we're buying it little by little to see what we like the best - what fits her the best, what she likes the best, etc. So we'll see. I'm anxious to try it all out on her. She's going to have the cutest dressed bum around!

So, I've been being a little impatient waiting for her to come, but I guess I can wait another week if that's what it takes - to get the greatest gift ever.
At least that way I will work the last full week of work and have everything ready to go for my long term sub. She'll be there for about 10 weeks until winter break. I'll come back after winter break which gives me 12 weeks with my little girl (4 of which are unpaid, 6 are paid with my sick days, and 2 are winter break so they don't count for either - kind of a bummer to lose so much money, but glad I am able to take so much time)!

I have been having a lot of braxton hick contractions lately. If you read my last doctor appointment post you know that I didn't even know I was having these. Now that she's pointed them out I realize I have been having them all of the time. Sometimes they are pretty close together - within 5 or 10 minutes, but not regularly that way. I have at least one every 30-40 minutes though. Now that I know what they are I have realized I have been having that weird sensation since around 18 weeks. I remember feeling this "roller coaster-stomach-dropping" feeling before I even felt the baby moving. I felt her moving at the end of 18 weeks. So that's really strange. Of course just in the past few months I've felt them more and more. It makes my lungs feel tight, my stomach feel like I'm flying, and my bladder feel full. Sometimes the hardening is lopsided - depending on how I'm sitting or standing. I thought it would just be really hard all over my stomach in a nice round pattern. I guess not. At least now I know what to look for - for signs of labor.

AND we'll see what happens next Wednesday (read my last doctor appointment post). Hopefully my body's ready!

Our little girl ...
She has really plumped up. She should weigh about 7 pounds right now and is over 19.5 inches long. She can firmly grasp things now (how excited for her to hold my hand when she's born!!). Her organs have matured and ready for life outside the womb.
What will she look like??? Can't wait to meet you!

Doctor's Appointment (38 weeks)

I had my weekly OB/GYN appointment this week. Again, I got in and out of there within 35 minutes. That is AMAZING. I wish all of my earlier appointments were like that. WooOo!

First thing, I actually LOST THREE POUNDS! Now, I know I sound ridiculous being so excited about this, but because I gained FOUR pounds last week (if you remember in my last doctor post), I was excited to know the doctor was right - it was all water weight. Since I had been swelling like crazy, and my swelling looks a lot better now - probably half of what it was - the three pounds lost were all water weight pounds too. That's great. It confirms it wasn't me being a fatty - AND I don't have to carry around those three pounds anymore! Yay!

Also, of course she asked me the same questions she does every time - including if I was having contractions. I told her no. When she measured my belly she said "You're having one right now." REALLY? I felt it, it was hard, but not what I expected them to be. I realized though because of the feeling I was getting, this had been happening for a long time. I had been having these fake practice contractions for a while now and didn't put it together. Idiot, I know! But it was very cool to know what they felt like now.

Then she checked my dilation. I am a ONE. Yay for something happening, Boo for it only being a one. She said it's unlikely for anything to happen early next week, so by the time I come in for my next appointment (Wednesday next week), we can decide on some induction options. She said if I am far enough dilated (didn't say how far "enough" was though) that we could just start pitocin to further things along. However, if I am not far enough along we could start another drug that goes inside and thins things out to start dilating me more. That stays in there for 24 hours and then we check again. If I am far enough along I can get the pitocin and start labor. I would rather opt for natural and just go into labor on my own, but I am definitely not waiting another week - a week past my due date - to have this baby. So if she's not here by Friday, I'll opt for whatever is my option at that point. So we'll see. :)