Sunday, October 3, 2010

Doctor's Appointment (38 weeks)

I had my weekly OB/GYN appointment this week. Again, I got in and out of there within 35 minutes. That is AMAZING. I wish all of my earlier appointments were like that. WooOo!

First thing, I actually LOST THREE POUNDS! Now, I know I sound ridiculous being so excited about this, but because I gained FOUR pounds last week (if you remember in my last doctor post), I was excited to know the doctor was right - it was all water weight. Since I had been swelling like crazy, and my swelling looks a lot better now - probably half of what it was - the three pounds lost were all water weight pounds too. That's great. It confirms it wasn't me being a fatty - AND I don't have to carry around those three pounds anymore! Yay!

Also, of course she asked me the same questions she does every time - including if I was having contractions. I told her no. When she measured my belly she said "You're having one right now." REALLY? I felt it, it was hard, but not what I expected them to be. I realized though because of the feeling I was getting, this had been happening for a long time. I had been having these fake practice contractions for a while now and didn't put it together. Idiot, I know! But it was very cool to know what they felt like now.

Then she checked my dilation. I am a ONE. Yay for something happening, Boo for it only being a one. She said it's unlikely for anything to happen early next week, so by the time I come in for my next appointment (Wednesday next week), we can decide on some induction options. She said if I am far enough dilated (didn't say how far "enough" was though) that we could just start pitocin to further things along. However, if I am not far enough along we could start another drug that goes inside and thins things out to start dilating me more. That stays in there for 24 hours and then we check again. If I am far enough along I can get the pitocin and start labor. I would rather opt for natural and just go into labor on my own, but I am definitely not waiting another week - a week past my due date - to have this baby. So if she's not here by Friday, I'll opt for whatever is my option at that point. So we'll see. :)

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