Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poop. Wow.

This girl can poop. It's pretty hilarious! She just has lots of "wet farts" when she poops. They can be pretty serious and loud... even startling.

Today though, we would have never guessed...she can SHOOT poop out. Seriously. All over everything! Oh my!

Jesse and I are at the store getting a gift for a friend - I walked out to the car with Allison, because she was being fussy and it was time for her to eat. Well when we got out to the car she didn't want to eat. Sometimes she won't eat if her diaper is messy, so I started changing her in the back seat. I wiped her all up and went to grab the new diaper and she started pooping. I grabbed the wet diaper underneath her and put it over her butt to catch it. I thought she stopped and I went to grab the diaper again and she SHOT poop about two feet away, hit the car door, it splattered everywhere, and then dripped down the door all over the pavement. Seriously. It was like a HOSE spraying. Not kidding. It was a LOT of poop. Wow.

So I'm standing there - looking back and forth at her and the door and the seat full of poop. I was thinking "where do I start?" and wondering if I should cry or laugh. Then Jesse walks up right at that moment with a look on his face (priceless!) and says "Whaaaatt happened here?" very concerned and confused. Then I started laughing - "She pooped EVERYWHERE!!!" we both cracked up. I hadn't even put a new diaper on her yet. I was just shocked.

Best part - she was sound asleep. Yup. Didn't phase her at all!

I got her all cleaned up with a new diaper - and still had to feed her. Luckily Jesse's pretty much the best guy ever and he cleaned up the entire backseat and car door. The pavement kept it's baby poop. ha.

This will be a story for her first boyfriend. Sorry baby, it's just too good!

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