Sunday, October 3, 2010

38 weeks ...

[forgot to take a regular picture at home, but this picture works from this week]

So I seriously started this post saying "Yay, this little girl decided to come early!" when I started writing it at the beginning of this week - in hopes that would make it true. Well, obviously it didn't work. boo.

This week things have definitely gotten a little better though. I don't feel as miserable. Last week was just horrible. The swelling decided to go down (check out my doctor's appointment where I actually lost THREE pounds this week, because I had gained FOUR pounds the previous week from swelling up so much!), my heartburn has backed down again, I'm not as exhausted since I have been sleeping a little better due to the lack of heartburn and my body not falling sleep on me all night (I think because the swelling went down), and I am just so excited to meet this little girl so soon that none of the rest of the bad stuff is even mattering (is that a word? ha).

We bought a fancy camera this week. I can't wait to take pictures of her - doing everything. :) It's going to be so much fun. I'm thinking about taking a beginners photography class just to get some ideas and really be able to use my camera to the fullest. I'm so excited about it! I have also found really cool photo editing software - photoscape. It's SUPER easy to use with a TON of options. AND best of all, it's FREE! Search for it and download it for yourself. You'll love it!
So hurry up and come baby girl so I can practice taking pictures of your cute face!! yay.

We also bought a few more things for our cloth diaper stash. I know it's going to be a lot of trial and error so we're buying it little by little to see what we like the best - what fits her the best, what she likes the best, etc. So we'll see. I'm anxious to try it all out on her. She's going to have the cutest dressed bum around!

So, I've been being a little impatient waiting for her to come, but I guess I can wait another week if that's what it takes - to get the greatest gift ever.
At least that way I will work the last full week of work and have everything ready to go for my long term sub. She'll be there for about 10 weeks until winter break. I'll come back after winter break which gives me 12 weeks with my little girl (4 of which are unpaid, 6 are paid with my sick days, and 2 are winter break so they don't count for either - kind of a bummer to lose so much money, but glad I am able to take so much time)!

I have been having a lot of braxton hick contractions lately. If you read my last doctor appointment post you know that I didn't even know I was having these. Now that she's pointed them out I realize I have been having them all of the time. Sometimes they are pretty close together - within 5 or 10 minutes, but not regularly that way. I have at least one every 30-40 minutes though. Now that I know what they are I have realized I have been having that weird sensation since around 18 weeks. I remember feeling this "roller coaster-stomach-dropping" feeling before I even felt the baby moving. I felt her moving at the end of 18 weeks. So that's really strange. Of course just in the past few months I've felt them more and more. It makes my lungs feel tight, my stomach feel like I'm flying, and my bladder feel full. Sometimes the hardening is lopsided - depending on how I'm sitting or standing. I thought it would just be really hard all over my stomach in a nice round pattern. I guess not. At least now I know what to look for - for signs of labor.

AND we'll see what happens next Wednesday (read my last doctor appointment post). Hopefully my body's ready!

Our little girl ...
She has really plumped up. She should weigh about 7 pounds right now and is over 19.5 inches long. She can firmly grasp things now (how excited for her to hold my hand when she's born!!). Her organs have matured and ready for life outside the womb.
What will she look like??? Can't wait to meet you!

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