Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 1

I can't believe this week has gone by so quickly. It feels like I just got pregnant - blinked - now I have a one week old! Wow?!

This week has consisted of a LOT of learning. We are figuring out her, figuring out her needs, figuring out each others roles, figuring out schedules, etc. etc. Lots to learn, but I think we're doing a great job. We make a good team!

My mom spent the night the first two nights back from the hospital. It was really nice of her and made us feel more secure. She also cleaned our house! Amazing, I know! :)

On Friday, our first full day back from the hospital we had a TON of errands to run. We had to take her to her doctor, the lab to get blood taken, post office, back to the hospital, and my doctor's office. Holy cow! It was a lot of work and I was still very very sore. It was difficult for me to sit, get up, walk, and everything. BUT we did it and she was amazing through the entire thing. She's such a great baby!

Every day I feel better and better; it's nice to be able to roll over in bed and stuff now. Not everything hurts anymore, so that's good. I'm wondering how long it will be before I am 100% again? I go to my OB/GYN in 4-6 weeks for a follow up. Hopefully everything is healing right.

We have spent a LOT of time inside the house this week, mainly up in our bedroom. We usually didn't get out of there until 2pm. We were super tired, just sleeping in between feeding and changing her. We also had her sitting in front of the indirect sunlight through the window. She needed this because of our blood types - and how the mix may lead to jaundice for her. Her skin color got better and better as the week went by and she looks just fine! :)
To get out of the house we made random trips places - target, the park for a walk, a walk around our neighborhood, the car wash, etc. It felt good to get out of the house - as a family!

Some things we have noticed this week about our little girl...
* snoring
* smiling
* makes tons of faces
* sleeps a lot
* has Jesse's feet, lips, nose, and hands
* hair gets redder and redder
* great eater
* long nails (we're scared to cut!)

We are so very lucky and can't get enough of her.
I just want time to slow down a little bit.
I am really enjoying our family time. Having Jesse home to enjoy her with has been the best part. He is so sweet with her and you can tell she just loves him so much. He is such a great dad! I'm dreading having him return to work.

First hair wash!

Sleepy Burrito


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