Sunday, October 10, 2010

The rest of our hospital stay...

After her birth we stayed in the delivery room for about an hour until they took her to the nursery. Once they did that they took me to the recovery room. Jesse returned from the nursery a little while later while some video of her. Oh the cutest video! Everyone else came to say goodbye and Jesse and I were left alone for a little while. Just thinking WOW.

Here's the best video. Look how sweet it is that she stops crying when daddy touches her!

Do you hear her "kitten" cry? Soo cute!

I asked the nursery to bring her back to us when they were done and she was all ready. We couldn’t wait to have her come back!!

That night, we had a few more visitors - Aunt Michelle, Courtney, my mom and Aunt Nikki returned, and Uncle Chris and Krystel. Once they all left, by almost 10pm, we tried to keep her in our room and sleep a little before I had to feed her again. We couldn't sleep. Every move, every noise (or if there was no noise that worried us too), made us jump up. We sent her to the nursery and asked for them to bring her back in two hours so I could feed her. That worked out great. We got her back around 3:00am. Although, we had a horrible time waking her up enough to feed her. We were trying to wake her up – stroking her face, talking to her, but it didn’t work. I called the nurse in, because we knew she needed to eat! The nurse said you need to be rough – she rubbed her head, took off her hat and swaddle, burped her, teased her with a formula bottle, etc. Finally she was awake. WIDE awake. We were being too sweet. Ha. I fed her and then we sent her back to the nursery to get a little more sleep. By the time we sent her back it was 4:30am, the nurse said they usually send the babies back to the room at 5am, but she would see if they could keep her a little longer. Luckily they did, we got to sleep until about 6:30, when I had to feed her again. The sleep was nice, even though I was super hot and uncomfortable, both of us really needed it.

We had a few visitors in the morning – Jesse’s family. Uncle Zack and his girlfriend with her 18 month old. Zack also brought Jesse’s dad. Jesse’s dad was so excited to be there. He was so proud of Jesse. Jesse is just so great with Allison. It’s the sweetest thing in the world. I start to cry just thinking about it. Allison and I are the luckiest girls!

I felt well enough to take a shower while they were there. It felt really good to stand up (since I had been sitting in that bed since about 6am the previous day! Except to go to the bathroom a few times). After I got out of the shower the hospital photographer was there. She took some cute pictures, but mainly I was just watching her so I could copy the pictures :)

This is totally lame ... but here are the pictures she took (taken from here)...

We hung out in the room the rest of the day until we were released at 2:30pm. My doctor came in to release me, she said if the baby gets to leave I will leave, if not – I will stay too. I liked that, I wouldn’t want to go home without my baby! The pediatrician came in to check her, said that if she “passes” her biliruben (jaundice) test then we would all be able to go home! She would just need to see her the next day to keep a close eye on her. Allison needed a score lower than 8, when she was born her score was 3. The doctors were worried about jaundice because of Allison’s blood type and my blood type. At 12:30 they took blood and came back to let us know her score was a 5! WooOoo! We were going home! We started getting everything packed and ready to go, Jesse brought up the car seat, and we put all of our bags (the hospital gave us a ton of stuff!) in a wagon and walked out. I was so anxious to go home. Very nervous though. I can’t believe they just send you home with this precious thing. Just like that. “Okay you’re both healthy – bye.” Crazy!

On our way home!

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